If you want to buy OSRS gold without ID verification, you should always purchase from reputable companies like LuckyCharmGold that allow payments via credit card without asking for ID documents. We understand that you care about privacy, therefore we developed a security system where we do not require ID verification for purchasing gold.
LuckyCharmGold accepts credit card payments without verification via MasterCard, Maestro, VISA & Apple Pay. Purchasing OSRS gold using a credit card typically requires some sort of verification at other payment methods such as ID documentation; however, LuckyCharmGold has implemented a system that lets our clients purchase OSRS gold without any verification as long as the payment is detected as non-fraudulent.
Anytime someone tries to buy OSRS gold from our website using a credit card, our system runs a risk assessment test, this will determine whether the payment is fraudulent, and if the risk score is below a certain threshold, the payment will be accepted without requiring identity verification; if not, you will be prompted to provide identification before your payment is accepted. This is done to curtail credit card fraud caused by hacked or stolen credit cards. If you do not want to verify after paying with a credit card, then we completely understand, and we will refund your payment in full to you.
Here are the steps you need to follow to buy OSRS gold through Credit Card on LuckyCharmGold:
Step 1 — Firstly, if you want to buy OSRS gold from us, you must create an account if you don't already have one. This is a fast and easy process that only requires you to enter and verify your email address and also create a password.
Step 2 — Once you have an account, and you are logged in, click “buy OSRS gold” on the website's homepage, then input your desired quantity of gold. Click “buy” to proceed to the checkout page.
Step 3 — if you want to purchase gold using a Credit card, select the option, enter your RuneScape name, and proceed. You would need to provide your credit card details and follow the instructions displayed, if your risk score is low, your payment will be confirmed as mentioned above, and you will be provided with a location where your gold can be delivered to you in-game. If our system detects your payment to be possibly fraudulent, we will ask for further ID verification. If you do not want to give this, then we completely understand: in that case, we will refund your payment in full instantly.