Created: Jan 2 2025

OSRS Bloodveld Guide: Strategy For Slayer Tasks

OSRS Bloodveld Guide: Strategy For Slayer Tasks

Bloodveld is a level 76 demon that uses their tongues to attack their opponents. They are popularly assigned as a slayer task and can only be damaged by players with at least 50 slayer. Since the Bloodveld is a demon, it can only be damaged by demonbane weapons. Killing Bloodvelds is worth it for most players as they offer good XP rates and cannons can be used with them.


  • attack60 attack
  • strength60 strength
  • defence60 defence
  • prayer43 prayer
  • ranged50 ranged if using ranged


Locations of Bloodvelds

Bloodvelds can be found in several locations

  • God Wars Dungeon: There are 19 spawns in this area

God wars dungeon location of Bloodvelds

  • Catacoumbs of Kourend: This area has 18 spawns of mutated Bloodvelds. 

location of Bloodvelds in Catacoumbs of Kourend

  • Meiyerditch Laboratories: There are 4 spawns in this area

location of Bloodvelds in Meiyerditch

  • Slayer tower (2nd floor): There are 15 spawns in this area.

location of Bloodvelds in Slayer tower

Stronghold Slayer Cave: Monsters in this cave can only be damaged when they are assigned as a slayer task. There are 12 Bloodvelds spawns here.

location of Bloodvelds in Stronghold Slayer Cave

  • Wilderness God Wars Dungeon: There are 5 spawns in this area

Location of Bloodvelds in Wilderness God Wars


Gear and Inventory Setups for Bloodvelds

You should wear armour with good magic defence, since Bloodvelds attack with a magic-based melee attack.


Best Melee gear setup

best melee gear setup for Bloodvelds

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of rancour

Cape slot: infernal cape

Body slot: Masori body (f)

Leg slot: Masori chaps (f)

Weapon slot: Osmuten Fang

Shield slot: Avernic defender

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Glove slot: Ferocious gloves

Boot slot: Primordial boots

Ring slot: Ultor ring


Cheaper melee gear setup

cheaper melee gear setup for Bloodvelds

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of torture

Cape slot: Fire cape

Body slot: Karils leathertop

Leg slot: Karils leatherskirt

Weapon slot: Abyssal whip

Shield slot: Dragon defender

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Dragon boots boots

Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)


Inventory setup with melee

inventory setup with melee for Bloodvelds

  • Dragon claw: special attack weapon
  • Cannon and cannon balls
  • Teleport method
  • Teleport to house
  • Super divine combat potion
  • Holy wrench
  • Bone crusher


Best ranged gear setup for Bloodvelds

best ranged gear setup for Bloodvelds

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Dizana’s quiver

Body slot: Masori body (f)

Leg slot: Masori chaps (f)

Weapon slot: Bow of Faerdhinen

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing

Glove slot: Zaryte vambraces

Boot slot: Pegasian boot

Ring slot: Venator ring


Cheaper ranged gear setup for Bloodvelds

cheaper ranged gear setup for Bloodvelds

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of Fury

Cape slot: Ava’s accumulator

Body slot: Ancient d’hide body

Leg slot: Ancient chaps

Weapon slot: Toxic blowpipe

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Ancient d’hide boots

Ring slot: Archers ring


Inventory setup with ranged

inventory gear setup for ranged for Bloodvelds

  • Cannon and cannon balls
  • Teleport method
  • Teleport to house
  • Divine ranging potion
  • Holy wrench
  • Bone crusher


Bloodveld’s attack

Bloodvelds are weak to all attack styles and attack with magic-based melee; a melee attack with accuracy determined by the player’s magic defence. They have a max hit of only 5, but are accurate. Magic defence armour like dragonhide should be used to reduce damage. However, using protect from melee completely nullifies the damage.


Strategy for Bloodvelds

The general strategy for killing Bloodvelds is to pray protect from melee and attack them while wearing the recommended gear above. 


Strategy for Barraging Bloodvelds in Catacombs of Kourend

strategy for Barraging Bloodvelds

A unique method for players to get high slayer and magic experience is by ice bursting/ barraging Bloodvelds in the Catacombs of Kourend. The method requires 2 accounts; the main account and an alt. First, use the main account to attack all Bloodvelds in the location below to get them aggressive toward you. When they are all aggressive to you, stand in tile 1. Starting from tile 2, use the alt account to move to tile 3, and 4 and repeat continuously. Continue the movement until the Bloodvelds stack together then start Ice barraging/bursting them with your main account.


Strategy for safespotting Bloodvelds

Bloodvelds can be safespotted in the following locations

  • North-eastern corner of the centre room of the Slayer Tower behind the chair.

Bloodveld slayer tower safespot

  • The north-western corner of the area in the basement of Slayer Tower by standing in between the chest, chair, broken table, and shieves.

northwest slayer tower Bloodveld safespot

  • By using a canon on the northeast section of the Stronghold Slayer Cave

stronghold Bloodveld safespot

  • Behind the pile of bricks in the north-east of the exit rope in Wilderness God Wars Dungeon.

wilderness God wars dungeon Bloodveld safespot


Drops from Bloodvelds

Each Bloodveld kill is worth an average of 732 GP, 1329 GP on a Konar task, or 2,469 GP on a Krystilia task.


ashes100% drops

Vile ashes 1 (Always).

weaponWeapons and Armour

Steel axe 1 (1/32), Steel full helm 1 (1/32), Steel scimitar 1 (1/64), Black boots 1 (1/128), Mithril sq shield 1 (1/128), Mithril chainbody 1 (1/128), Rune med helm 1 (1/128).

fire runeRunes

Fire rune 60 (1/16), Blood rune 10 (1/25.6), Blood rune 3 (1/42.67), Blood rune 30 (1/128).


Grimy guam leaf 1 (1/512), Grimy marrentill 1 (1/682.7), Grimy tarromin 1 (1/910.2), Grimy harralander 1 (1/1,170), Grimy ranarr weed 1 (1/1,470), Grimy irit leaf 1 (1/2,048), Grimy avantoe 1 (1/2,731), Grimy kwuarm 1 (1/3,277), Grimy cadantine 1 (1/3,277), Grimy lantadyme 1 (1/5,461), Grimy dwarf weed 1 (1/5,461)

Coins 120 (1/4.267), Coins 40 (1/4.414), Coins 200 (1/12.8), Coins 10 (1/64), Coins 450 (1/128).

Bones 1 (1/12.8), Big Bones 1 (1/28.9), Big Bones 2 (1/42.67), Meat pizza 1 (1/42.67), Gold ore 1 (1/64).

gemGem Drop Table
Nothing (1/64.12; Never if wearing a ring of wealth), Uncut sapphire 1 (1/128; 1/65 if wearing a ring of wealth), Uncut emerald 1 (1/256; 1/130 if wearing a ring of wealth), Uncut ruby 1 (1/512; 1/260 if wearing a ring of wealth), Chaos talisman 1 (1/1,365; 1/693 if wearing a ring of wealth), Nature talisman 1 (1/1,365; 1/693 if wearing a ring of wealth), Uncut diamond 1 (1/2,048; 1/1,040 if wearing a ring of wealth), Loop half of key 1 (1/4,096; 1/2,080 if wearing a ring of wealth), Tooth half of key 1 (1/4,096; 1/2,080 if wearing a ring of wealth), Rune javelin 1 (1/4,096; 1/2,080 if wearing a ring of wealth), Shield left half 1 (1/65,536; 1/32,768 if wearing a ring of wealth), Dragon spear 1 (1/174,763; 1/88,420 if wearing a ring of wealth).

clue scroll eliteTertiary
Clue scroll (elite) 1 (Always), Reward casket (elite) 1 (Always), Looting bag 1 (1/3), Ensouled bloodveld head 1 (1/35; 2,939 coins), Ecumenical key 1 (1/60–1/40), Brimstone key 1 (1/172; 1/137 if killed on a Konar task), Clue scroll (hard) 1 (1/256; 1/128 after hard clue drop boost).

tertiary drops for Bloodvelds.Wilderness Slayer Tertiary
Larran’s key 1 (1/82; 241,710 coins), Slayer’s enchantment 1 (1/213; 1,813 coins).

About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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