Blue dragons are the third-strongest dragons in OSRS. They can be killed consistently with medium combat stats and are quite profitable. They can be assigned as a Slayer task at level 65 combat or higher after starting Dragon Slayer I. As a slayer task, it is worth it to kill Blue Dragons if you have low to medium combat stats. However, high-level players should focus on other tasks that give better slayer XP as killing blue dragons is generally slow.
Head slot: Slayer helm (i) if on slayer task
Neck slot: Amulet of rancour
Cape slot: infernal cape
Body slot: Torva platebody
Leg slot: Torva platelegs
Weapon slot: Dragon hunter Lance
Shield slot: Dragonfire shield
Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4
Glove slot: Ferocious gloves
Boot slot: Primordial boots
Ring slot: Ultor ring
Head slot: Slayer helm (i)
Neck slot: Amulet of torture
Cape slot: Fire cape
Body slot: Fighter torso
Leg slot: Justiciar legguards
Weapon slot: Ghrazi rapier
Shield slot: Dragonfire shield
Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4
Glove slot: Barrows gloves
Boot slot: Dragon boots
Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)
Head slot: Slayer helm (i) if on slayer task
Neck slot: Necklace of anguish
Cape slot: Dizana’s quiver
Body slot: Masori body (f)
Leg slot: Masori chaps (f)
Weapon slot: Dragon hunter crossbow
Shield slot: Dragonfire ward
Ammo slot: Ruby dragon bolts (e)
Glove slot: Zaryte vambraces
Boot slot: Pegasian boots
Ring slot: Venator ring
Head slot: Slayer helmet (i). Armady helmet if not on a slayer task
Neck slot: Amulet of Fury
Cape slot: Ava’s accumulator
Body slot: Karil’s leathertop
Leg slot: Karils’ leatherskirt
Weapon slot: Dragon crossbow
Shield slot: Anti-dragon shield
Ammo slot: Dragon bolts
Glove slot: Barrows gloves
Boot slot: Saradomin d’hide boots
Ring slot: Archers ring (i)
These variants can be killed when assigned to a Blue Dragon slayer task.
Blue dragons are weak to all attack styles but weaker to stab melee attack. They use a slash melee attack with a max hit of 10 and breathe fire at the player.
These are the easiest to kill. They are weak to all attack styles and use a melee slash attack style with a max hit of 5. The Tarverley is the best location to kill these dragons as it contains the most spawns.
This variant is found in the northwest section of the Catacombs of Kourend and the Ruins of Tapoyauik. They use melee, magic and their dragon fire attack has a longer range. Turn on Protect from Magic and use an antifire potion to protect character from damage completely.
Vorkath is also considered a blue dragon. It is much more difficult to kill, but it’s quite profitable. Follow our Vorkath guide to find the best strategy for killing it consistently.
Blue dragons attack with melee and dragonfire. The Dragonfire attack can inflict up to 50 damage without any protection. Equipping an anti-dragon shield or a dragonfire shield along with an antifire potion will nullify the damage from the attacks.
Killing Blue Dragons is quite straightforward. Their hits can be tanked with good gear and the anti-dragon fire shield, especially for players with high defence stats. If you have low combat stats, you might have to use protection prayers. Using a slash weapon is recommended to attack them as it’s weakest to those attacks, and they are cheaper than ranged or magic.
With the recommended stats above, experienced can kill Blue Dragons 100 times per hour. This results in 550K GP per hour after the costs of teleports and potions have been deducted.
The Blue Dragon is known for its consistent drops; the blue dragonhide and dragon bones which are worth about 4700 GP
100% Drops
Blue dragonhide 1 (Always), Dragon bones 1 (Always).
Weapons and Armour
Steel platelegs 1 (1/32), Mithril axe 1 (1/42.67), Steel battleaxe 1 (1/42.67), Mithril spear 1 (1/64), Adamant full helm 1 (1/128), Mithril kiteshield 1 (1/128), Rune dagger 1 (1/128).
Water rune 75 (1/16), Nature rune 15 (1/25.6), Law rune 3 (1/42.67), Fire rune 37 (1/128).
Grimy guam leaf 1 (1/34.1), Grimy marrentill 1 (1/45.5), Grimy tarromin 1 (1/60.7), Grimy harralander 1 (1/78), Grimy ranarr weed 1 (1/99.3), Grimy irit leaf 1 (1/136.5), Grimy avantoe 1 (1/182), Grimy kwuarm 1 (1/218.5), Grimy cadantine 1 (1/273.1), Grimy lantadyme 1 (1/364.1), Grimy dwarf weed 1 (1/364.1).
Coins 44 (1/4.414), Coins 132 (1/5.12), Coins 200 (1/12.8), Coins 110 (1/256), Coins 440 (1/128).
Adamantite ore 1 (1/42.67), Bass 1 (1/42.67).
Gem Drop Table
Nothing (N/A) (1/51.29; Never), Uncut sapphire 1 (1/102.4; 1/52), Uncut emerald 1 (1/204.8; 1/104), Uncut ruby 1 (1/409.6; 1/208), Chaos talisman 1 (1/1,092; 1/555), Nature talisman 1 (1/1,092; 1/555), Uncut diamond 1 (1/1,377; 1/664), Loop half of key 1 (1/3,277; 1/1,664), Tooth half of key 1 (1/3,277; 1/1,664), Rune javelin 1 (1/3,277; 1/1,664), Rune spear 1 (1/52,429; 1/36,414), Shield left half 1 (1/104,858; 1/61,594), Dragon spear 1 (1/139,810; 1/83,920).
Tertiary Drops
Ensouled dragon head 1 (1/50), Scaly blue dragonhide 1 (1/50), Brimstone key 1 (1/98), Frozen tear 8 (Rare), Clue scroll (hard) 1 (1/128).