Last updated: Jan 24 2025

OSRS Bronze Dragon Guide: Locations & Gear Setup

OSRS Bronze Dragon Guide: Locations & Gear Setup

Bronze dragons are the weakest of the six metal dragons. They have a combat level of 131 and can attack with a long-range dragonfire. Most players skip Bronze dragons when they are assigned as a slayer task since they have high defence and offer low slayer XP rates. However,  they are easy to kill with high combat stats and have good drops like the Brimstone keys and dragon platelegs.


With the completion of the elite Karamja diary, Bronze dragons and other metal dragons will drop their respective bars in noted form if toggled on through Pirate Jackie the Fruit.


Location of the Bronze Dragons

  • Brimhaven Dungeon: There are 8 spawns in the dungeon. 3 spawns in the regular dungeon and 5 spawns in the task-only area. There are two different entry points into this dungeon; the northern and southern entrances. Players need 875 coins and an axe to enter through the north entrance. The fastest way to reach the north entrance is through the house teleport if your POH is in Brimhaven or redirection spell. The southern entrance requires a one-time fee of 5,000 trading sticks to access. This entrance is the best since it leads further into the cave. The fastest way to the southern entrance is through the Tai Bwo Wanni teleport, which can be purchased from the grand exchange or the fairy ring CKR. Players who can’t use these options can use a boat from Ardougne to Brimhaven for 30 GP.

 location of bronze dragon in Brimhaven

  • Catacombs of Kourend: There are 3 spawns in this area. The fastest ways to get here include: the Xeric’s hear teleport (requires 100% favour in all houses architectural alliance), Kourend teleport (requires transportation incantation or another player’s POH) and the Xeric’s Glade teleport (obtained from Lizardmen and requires 5% Shayzien). Players without these options can board the boat from Port Sarim through Veos. Once you are there, investigate the statue to enter then make your way to the Bronze Dragons.

Bronze dragon in catacoumbs of kourend


  • attack70+ attack
  • strength70+ strength
  • defence70+ defence
  • ranged70+ ranged
  • magic75+ magic
  • hitpoints70+ hitpoint
  • prayer icon44+ prayer: for Eagle Eye


Gear and Inventory Setup for Bronze Dragons


Melee Gear Setup example for Bronze Dragons

melee gear for Bronze dragon

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of Fury

Cape slot: Fire cape

Body slot: Fighter torso

Leg slot: Bandos tassets

Weapon slot: Dragon hunter lance

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Shield slot:  Dragon fire shield (charged)

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Dragon boot

Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)


Inventory setup for melee

Inventory setup for melee for Bronze dragon

  • 2 Extended super antifire
  • 2 super divine combat potion
  • Axe: if using Brimhaven location
  • Teleport methods to and back from the Bronze dragons
  • Rune pouch with runes to high alch
  • Food 


Ranged Gear Setup Example For Bronze Dragons

Ranged Gear Setup Example For Bronze Dragons

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Ava’s accumulator

Body slot: Karil’s leathertop

Leg slot: Karil’s leatherskirt

Weapon slot: Dragon crossbow

Ammo slot: Use diamond bolts (e) or diamond bolts (e)

Shield slot:  Dragonfire shield

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Saradomin d’hide boot

Ring slot: Archers ring(i)


Inventory setup for ranged

Inventory setup for ranged for Blue Dragons

  • 2 Extended antifire
  • prayer potions
  • 2 Divine ranging potion
  • Teleport methods to and back from the Bronze dragons
  • Rune pouch with runes to high alch.
  • Food is not necessary


Magic gear setup

Magic gear setup for Bronze dragons

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Occult necklace

Cape slot: Imbued god cape

Body slot: Ahrim’s robetop

Leg slot: Ahrim’s robeskirt

Weapon slot: Trident of the swamp

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Shield slot:  Dragonfire shield (charged)

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Eternal boots

Ring slot: Seers ring (i)


Inventory setup for magic

Inventory setup for magic with bronze dragon

  • 6 Extended antifire
  • Prayer potions
  • Teleport methods to and back from the Bronze Dragons
  • Rune pouch with runes to high alch
  • Imbued heart


Attacks from Bronze Dragons

Bronze Dragons use melee and dragonfire attacks

  • Melee attack: This attack has a max hit of 12. Using protect from melee completely prevents damage from it.
  • Dragonfire attack: Bronze dragons are dangerous due to their high-hitting Dragonfire attack, capable of hitting up to 50. If the player is not in melee ranged, they will use this attack and will not attempt to close the distance to use their melee attack. Damage can be fully prevented by using super or extended antifire potion without the need for a dragonfire shield. Note that protect from Magic provides no protection against the dragonfire from the Bronze dragon and other metallic dragons.


Strategy for Bronze Dragons

Similar to other chromatic dragons, Bronze dragons are weak to stab attacks, ranged attacks, and earth spells. Since they do not attempt to close the distance to use their melee attack, it’s recommended to use magic or ranged to kill them from a distance while using extended or super antifire potions to provide protection from their dragonfire attack. Since Bronze Dragons can hit very hard with their melee attack, players who prefer to use melee should turn on protect from melee while attacking. It’s possible to fight them without any dragonfire protection while using melee, but you should always stay in their melee range or else they would use their dragon fire attack.


Drops from the Bronze Dragons

The average Bronze dragon kill is worth 4.8K GP or 6K GP while on Konar task.

bones100% Drops
Dragon bones 1 (Always), Bronze bar 5 (Always).


Dragon plateskirtPre-roll
Dragon plateskirt 1 (1/2,048), Dragon platelegs 1 (1/2,048).


rune 2h swordWeapons and Armour
Adamant dart(p) 16 (1/18.29), Mithril 2h sword 1 (1/32), Mithril axe 1 (1/42.67), Mithril battleaxe 1 (1/42.67), Rune knife 1 (1/42.67), Mithril kiteshield 1 (1/128), Adamant platebody 1 (1/128), Rune longsword 1 (1/128).


runesRunes and Ammunition
Adamant javelin 30 (1/6.4), Fire rune 50 (1/16), Mithril bolts 2–12 (1/21.33), Law rune 10 (1/25.6), Blood rune 15 (1/42.67), Death rune 25 (1/128).


Coins 196 (1/3), Coins 230 (1/12.8), Coins 690 (1/128).


other bronze dragonOther
Adamantite bar 1 (1/42.67), Swordfish 1 (1/64), Swordfish 1 (1/128).


rare dropRare and Gem Drop Table
Uncut sapphire 1 (1/123.2), Uncut emerald 1 (1/246.4), Uncut ruby 1 (1/492.8), Loop half of key 1 (1/678.3), Tooth half of key 1 (1/678.3)), Coins 3,000 (1/780.2), Nature talisman 1 (1/341.3), Uncut diamond 1 (1/341.3), Runite bar 1 (1/3,277), Rune javelin 5 (1/3942), Rune 2h sword 1 (1/5,461), Rune battleaxe 1 (1/5,461), Law rune 45 (1/8,192), Death rune 30 (1/8,192), Steel arrow 150 (1/8,192), Rune arrow 42 (1/8,192), Adamant javelin 20 (1/8,192), Rune sq shield 1 (1/8,192), Dragonstone 1 (1/8,192), Silver ore 100 (noted) (1/8,192), Rune spear 1 (1/13,685), Rune kiteshield 1 (1/16,384), Dragon med helm 1 (1/16,364), Shield left half 1 (1/27,369), Dragon spear 1 ((1/27,369).


Brimstone keyTertiary
Brimstone key 1 (1/94), Clue scroll (hard) 1 (1/128).


catacombs tertiary Bronze dragonsCatacombs tertiary

Ancient shard 1 (1/252), Dark totem base 1 (1/378), Dark totem middle 1 (1/378), Dark totem top 1 (1/378)


About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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