The Chaos Elemental is a dark cloud with six tentacles located just west of the Rogues’ Castle. This wilderness boss has a higher pet drop rate than the Chaos Fanatic and is also killed by players for the Dragon 2h sword and pickaxe drops. The fight is quite challenging as players will always take damage due to random damage types unless they are flinching or using the safe spot method. Killing the Chaos Elemental is also required to complete the Hard Wilderness Diary.
For melee,
For ranged,
As mentioned above, the Chaos elemental can be found west of the Rogue’s castle as shown below
Here are the fastest methods to get there:
It's smart to carry only 3 or 4 valuable items when venturing into the wilderness, as there's always the chance of running into a PKer. The gear listed below is reliable, but if you have better equipment and are willing to take the risk, you might want to use it instead.
Head slot - Helm of neitiznot
Neck slot - Amulet of torture
Cape slot - Mythical cape
Body slot - Black d’hide body
Leg slot - Black d’hide chaps
Weapon slot - Viggora’s chainmace
Shield slot - Dragon defender
Ammo slot - Rada’s blessing: this gives a +2 prayer bonus
Glove slot - rune gloves
Boot slot - climbing boots
Head slot - Snakeskin bandana
Neck slot - Necklace of anguish
Cape slot - Ava’s assembler
Body slot - Black d’hide body
Leg slot - Black d’hide chaps
Weapon slot - Craw’s bow: this bow works really well against the Chaos Elemental, it can be gotten as a drop from revenants found in the Revenant Caves. It must be charged with revenant ether before it can be used.
Ammo slot - Rada’s blessing: this gives a +2 prayer bonus
Glove slot - black d’hide vambraces
Boot slot - Snakeskin boot
This consists of:
The Chaos Elemental’s location is deep in the Wilderness and a popular PKer zone, players should only bring items that they are willing to lose, change the player attack option to hidden, and ensure they have the right items that would be kept on death. To fight the Chaos Elemental, you have to understand its attacks and how to evade them as shown below:
The Chaos Elemental has three attacks:
The Discord is a projectile made up of a series of three different colours. This attack can deal either Magic, ranged, or melee damage and it is not possible to tell which damage is dealt. However, magic is the most likely so players are advised to always use protect from magic. This attack hits up to 20+ damage.
When the Chaos Elemental performs this attack, it teleports the player several tiles away from it.
If the Madness attack is successful, it will remove up to four items that the player has equipped and place them in the player’s inventory, causing the player to take time to equip them while taking damage. The only way to stop the Chaos elemental from using this attack is to bring food that leaves an item behind after it has been used, for instance: the Guthix rest, summer pie, and curry. Also, ensure to disable vial smashing through the game setting or Barbarian guard when bringing potions so that the vial is left behind after you finish drinking a potion.
Fighting the Chaos Elemental with a team is a lot easier. Players should turn on protect against magic and take armour with high ranged and melee defence such as Dragon or Barrows equipment while ensuring to not risk too much due to the chances of running into a PKer
Similar to flinching other monsters, this method will allow the player to kill the Chaos Elemental while taking very low damage. Players can use the nearby trees to hide after attracting the Chaos Elemental’s attention, wait for its hitpoint bar to disappear then hit it once and run back behind the tree. Continue the process until the Chaos elemental is dead. Although it is a lot slower, it is the safest method of fighting the Chaos Elemental. A good spot to safespot the Chaos elemental is by using the dead trees at the southwest tip of Rogues’ Castle.
Stand in the tile marked 1 as the Chaos elemental spawns. When it spawns, immediately run to tile 2. This is a good flinching spot as the Chaos Elemental will only be able to make one attack against you and will get stuck
For faster kills with this method, players should use melee with good gear like full Verac’s equipment but this means risking the Verac’s helm. A safer alternative would be to use a Godsword, Dragon Warhammer, and the Dharok’s greataxe or Defender. For the rest of the gear for both options, cheaper gear that can boost offensive bonuses and prayer-boosting gear that you are willing to lose should be worn. Some examples have been shown in the gear section above.
This safe spot method will allow players to attack the Chaos Elemental without it being able to attack them. It is more complicated than regular safe spotting; the setup requires practice and some trial and error to be able to do it properly and consistently.
Although you won’t take any damage after the initial setup has been done, you will take damage while luring and setting up the Chaos Elemental so be sure to bring some food with you. Generally, it is much faster and more AFK than the flinching method. To safespot the Chaos Elemental, you need to mark a number of tiles from north to south close to the Wilderness Resource Area as shown in the image and steps below:
If you have followed these steps correctly, the Chaos Elemental will be floating on the marked tile line and you will be one tile west of that line. Since the marked tile line is the farthest that the Chaos Elemental can attack from, you can attack it from that tile and it won’t be able to attack you unless you go east over the marked tile line.
If you are unlucky, the Chaos Elemental might attack you with confusion when running from the southern to northern tile which can teleport you west, away from the marked tile line. If you are not able to reaggro the Chaos Elemental before it starts to reset, you have to wait until it returns to it’s spawn area and then restart the steps again.
There is a high chance that players who are in the Crazy Elemental area will get attacked by PKers since it’s deep in the Wilderness. It is a good idea to hop worlds after each kill to reduce your chances of being spotted and so you won’t have to wait for the Chaos Elemental to respawn.
The chances of surviving a Pker are quite low so always ensure you only take items that you are willing to lose and turn on protect item to keep more of your items. The methods below give players the best chance of escaping a PKer.:
The average Chaos Elemental kill is worth 39,000 coins based on the grand exchange prices of the items below
Food: These are dropped at a rate of 1/5. Blighted anglerfish, blighted karabwan, blighted super restore, dragon bones, Supercombat potion.
Weapons and armour: Dragon pickaxe, rune dart, rune plateleags, rune plateskirt (1/32), rune 2h sword (1/42.67), rune battleaxe (1/42.67), rune full helm (1/42.67), rune kiteshield (1/42.67), Mystic air staff (1/42.67), mystic water staff (1/42.67), mystic earth staff (1/42.67), mystic fire staff(1/42.67), dragon dagger (1/64) , dragon 2h sword (1/64) , dragon platelegs (1/64), dragon plateskirt.(1/64)
Runes and ammunition: 300-500 Chaos rune (1/16), 100-250 Blood rune (1/16), and 150 rune arrow (1/25.6)
Herbs: these are obtained in noted form: 5-8 Grimy ranarr weed (1/32), 5-8 grimy snapdragon (1/32), 5-8 grimy avantoe (1/42.67), 5-8 Grimy Kwuarm (1/42.67)
Resources: these are noted: 75-150 coal(1/25.6),, 8-16 Mahogany planks(1/25.6), 3-5 Runite bar (1/32), and Adamantite bar (1/32)
Materials: 20,005-29,995 coins (1/18.29), 20-40 Blighted ancient ice sack (1/25.6), 15-25 noted blighted karambwan, 10-15 noted (1/32), 2 wilderness crabs teleport (1/64).
Rare drops: 3000 coins (1/97.52), 1 loop hald of key (1/101.6), 1 tooth half of key (1/101.6; 1/102), 1 uncut sapphire (1/409.6; 1/208), 1 runite bar (1/409.6), 67 nature rune (1/682.7), 1 rune 2h sword (1/682.7), 1 rune battleaxe (1/682.7), 1 uncut emerald (1/819.2; 1/416), 45 law rune (1/1,024), 45 death rune (1/1,024), 150 steel arrow (1/1,024), 42 rune arrow (1/1,024), 20 adamant javelin (1/1,024), 1 rune sq shield (1/1,024), 1 dragonstone (1/1,024), 100 silver ore (noted) (1/1,024), 1 uncut ruby (1/1,638; 1/832), 1 rune kiteshield (1/1,638), 1 dragon med helm (1/2,162), 1 rune spear (1/2,162; 1/512), 1 shield left half (1/3,074), 1 nature talisman (1/4,369; 1/2,219), 1 dragon spear (1/5,765; 1/669), 1 uncut diamond (1/6,554; 1/3,329), 5 rune javelin (1/13,107; 1/6,656)
Tertiary Items: Looting bag (1/3), Weapon poison (++) (1/12.8),
Brimstone key (1/59),
Clue scroll (elite) (1/200; 1/100),
Pet chaos elemental (1/300)
Wilderness Slayer Tertiary: Slayer’s enchantment (1/30),
Larran’s key (1/58)