Last updated: Mar 6 2025

OSRS Cooking Money Making Guide For F2P & P2P

OSRS Cooking Money Making Guide For F2P & P2P

Cooking is the skill that allows players to cook raw food, making it edible and more valuable. Cooked food plays an important role in the game, as it helps players heal during battle, with higher-level food restoring more hitpoints. This makes cooked food, especially high-level ones, consistently sell for a decent price on the Grand Exchange, making it quite profitable to buy or fish raw food and cook it.


P2P Cooking Money Making Guide

Here is a summary of all P2P cooking money making methods, ranked from the most profitable to the least.

  1. Cooking Raw Moonlight Antelope: 600K GP per hour and 286,000 cooking XP per hour.
  2. Cooking Raw Sunlight Antelope: 560K GP per hour and 227,500 cooking  XP per hour.
  3. Making Pineapple Pizzas: 500K GP per hour and 112,500 cooking  XP per hour.
  4. Cooking raw Dark Crabs: 300K GP per hour and 279.5K cooking XP per hour.
  5. Cooking Raw Karambwans: 244K GP per hour and 247K cooking XP per hour.
  6. Cooking Raw Sharks: 240K GP per hour and 273K cooking XP per hour
  7. Cook raw Monfish: 178K GP per hour and 195K cooking XP per hour
  8. Cooking raw Anglerfish: 191K GP per hour and 299K cooking XP per hour
  9. Baking Potatoes: 189K GP per hour and 16.6K cooking XP per hour.

Cooking Raw Moonlight Antelope

raw moonlight antelope

Before using this method, it is recommended to get 99 cooking for the cooking cape’s 100% success rate and have access to the Hosidius kitchen to reduce the burn rate. 

Requirements for cooking Raw Moonlight Antelope

92 cooking

GP per hour from cooking Raw Moonlight Antelope

Players can cook 1,300 moonlight antelope per hour, worth 3.2M GP. This results in a profit of roughly 600K GP per hour after the cost of raw moonlight Antelopes (3.6M GP)  is deducted.



Cooking Raw Sunlight Antelope

raw sunlight antelope

Similar to cooking raw moonlight antelope, it is recommended to have 99 cooking for cooking cape and have access to the Hosidius kitchen before using this method. 

Requirements for cooking Raw Sunlight Antelope

  • 68 cooking (99 recommended)
  • 50 Hunter rumour

GP per hour from cooking

Players can cook 1,300 sunlight Antelope, worth 1.1M per hour. This results in a profit of 560K GP per hour after the cost of raw sunlight antelope (540K GP) is deducted.



Making Pineapple Pizzas

Players can make pineapple pizzas by using pineapple rings on plain pizzas. The best method to do this is first to withdraw 14 plain pizzas and 14 pineapple rings, then use one on the other while standing close to a bank.

making pineapple pizza

Requirements for Making Pineapple Pizzas

  • 65 cooking
  • 540K GP recommended

GP per hour from Making Pineapple pizzas

Up to 2500 Pineapple pizzas, worth 2.1M GP can be made per hour with full concentration. 2,500 Plain pizza, worth 1.4M GP, and 2,500 Pineapple rings, worth 200k are required to make it, resulting in a profit of 500K GP per hour.



Cooking raw Dark Crabs

dark crabs

Dark crabs can heal up to 22 hitpoints which is why they are popular and sell for a decent price on the grand exchange,

Requirements for Dark Crabs

90 cooking

GP per hour from cooking Dark Crabs

Players can cook 1300 Dark crabs, worth 1.5M GP per hour from 1,300 raw Dark crabs, worth 1.8M. This results in a profit of roughly 300K GP per hour.



Cooking Raw Karambwan


Although cooking Karambwans has a low requirement, it is not recommended to start cooking them till 90+ fishing. There is also a three-tick method of cooking Karambwans that increases profit by 33% and a one-tick method that increases the yield to a maximum of 5,000 per hour when cooking in Myth’s Guild and Mor UI Rek. 

Requirements for cooking raw Karambwans

30 cooking: 90+ recommended

GP per hour from cooking raw Karambwans

With 90+ cooking, players can cook 1300 Karambwans per hour, worth 680K GP. This results in a profit of 244K per hour after the cost of the raw Karambwan (439K) is deducted.



Cooking Raw Sharks


Sharks are one of the highest-healing foods in OSRS, healing up to 20 hitpoints. It is recommended to have atleast 89 cooking and cooking gauntlets as it reduces the burn rate of sharks to 0%. With the completion of Elite Kourened Diaryy, a 0% burn rate is possible at 84 cooking. 

Requirements for cooking Raw Sharks

80+ cooking

GP per hour from cooking

Players can cook 1,300 sharks, worth 1.2M GP per hour from 1,300 Raw sharks worth 960K GP. This results in a profit of 240K GP per hour.



Cooking raw Anglerfish


Anglerfish heal up to 22 hitpoints for players above 93 hitpoints and also allow players to heal over their maximum hitpoints. They can be bought for 450 GP and cooking them grants 230 cooking XP.

Requirements for cooking raw Anglerfish

84 cooking: 99 cooking recommended for the cooking cape

GP per hour from cooking raw Anglerfish

Players can cook 1,300 Anglerfish per hour, worth 2.1M GP. This results in a profit of 191K per hour after the cost of Raw Anglerfish (1.98M GP) is deducted.



Baking Potatoes


Players can only bake potatoes on a range. The range closest to a bank is in the Myths’s Guild which requires completion of Dragon Slayer II. Although only 7 cooking is required, it is recommended to have at least 41 cooking to significantly reduce the burning rate.

Requirements for baking Potatoes

7 cooking: 41 cooking recommended

GP per hour from baking Potatoes

1,120 potatoes, worth 250K GP can be baked in 1 hour from 1,120 Potatoes, worth 61K GP. This results in a profit of 189K GP per hour.



Cooking raw Monkfish

raw monkfish

Monkfish is one of the most popular foods in the game. It’s recommended to have at least 82 cooking with cooking gauntlets at the Hosidius clay ovens to reduce the burn rate to 0%.

Requirements for cooking raw Monkfish

62 cooking but 80+ cooking recommended

GP per hour from cooking Monfish

While using the recommendations, players can cook 1300 Monkfish per hour, for a profit of 178K GP per hour.


F2P Cooking Money Making Guide

Here is a summary of all F2P cooking money making methods, ranked from the most profitable to the least.

  1. Cooking plain Pizzas: 143K GP per hour and 77K coking XP per hour.
  2. Cooking raw Lobsters: 104K GP per hour and 156K cooking XP per hour
  3. Cooking raw Swordfish: 92K GP per hour and 182K cooking XP per hour
  4. Cooking raw chicken: 70K GP per hour and 39K cooking XP per hour
  5. Cooking raw tuna: 45K GP per hour and 130K cooking XP per hour

Cooking plain Pizzas

plain pizza

Plain pizza can be made by adding a pizza base with tomato and then cheese. Making them is the most profitable F2P cooking method. Al kharid and Edgeville have ranges closest to a bank in F2P so you should use them for this method.

Requirements for cooking plain Pizzas

35 cooking: 86 cooking is recommended

GP per hour for cooking plain pizzas

Players can make about 540 plain pizzas per hour. This results in a profit of 143K GP per hour after the cost of 540 pizza base, tomato, and cheese is deducted per hour.



Cooking raw Lobsters

raw lobsters

It’s recommended to cook these using the fires lit by other players in popular F2P worlds.

Requirements for cooking raw Lobsters

40 cooking: 65+ is recommended

GP per hour from cooking raw Lobsters

Players can cook 1,300 lobsters per hour. This results in a profit of 104K GP per hour after the cost of raw Lobsters is deducted.



Cooking raw Swordfish

raw swordfish

Similar to cooking lobsters, you should cook raw swordfish with the fires lit by other players in popular F2P worlds.

Requirements for cooking raw Swordfish

45 cooking: 75+ recommended

GP per hour from cooking raw Swordfish

Players can cook 1,300 Raw Swordfish per hour, worth 214K GP from 1,300 raw swordfish, worth 122K GP. This results in a profit of 92K GP per hour.



Cooking raw chicken

raw chicken

Cooked chicken heals 3 hitpoints each and has no cooking requirement. However, it is recommended to have 20 cooking to make decent profit from this method.

Requirements for cooking raw Chicken

1 cooking: 20 cooking recommended

GP per hour from cooking raw Chicken

1,300 chicken can be cooked per hour, for a profit of 70K GP per hour after the cost of raw chickens is deducted.


Cooking Raw Tuna

raw tuna

Tuna heals 10 hitpoints and each one rewards the player with 100 cooking XP when cooked. 

Requirements for cooking raw Tuna

30 cooking: 55+ cooking recommended

GP per hour from cooking raw Tuna

Players can cook 1,300 tuna, worth 128K GP per hour. This results in a profit of 45K GP per hour after the cost of raw tuna is deducted.


About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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