Last updated: Mar 6 2025

OSRS Fishing Money Making Guide For F2P & P2P

OSRS Fishing Money Making Guide For F2P & P2P

Fishing is generally profitable since only a few items are required to catch thousands of fish, which can be sold on the grand exchange. It becomes even more profitable as the player’s fishing level increases since they can catch more high-level fish, which are more valuable. Since fishing is usually AFK, it provides a relaxing method of making GP.


P2P Fishing Money-Making Methods

Here is a summary of all P2P methods, ranked from most profitable to least.

  1. Catching Sacrel Eels: 371K GP per hour and 23,000 fishing XP per hour: 
  2. Catching Dark Crabs: 350K GP per hour and 40,000 fishing XP per hour:
  3. Catching Minnows: 285K GP per hour and 39,100 fishing XP per hour:
  4. Catching Anglersfish: 224K GP per hour and 18,000 fishing XP per hour:
  5. Catching Raw Karambwans: 199K GP per hour and 30,000 fishing XP per hour:
  6. Catching Infernal Eels: 195K GP per hour and 27,265  fishing XP per hour:
  7. Catching Raw Sharks: 119K GP per hour and 17,600 fishing XP per hour:

Catching Sacred Eels

sacred eel

Sacred Eels can be caught at Zul-Andra with a fishing rod and fishing bait. They can be dissected with a knife to get Zulrah’s scales, which are quite valuable. 

sacred eel spot

Requirements for catching Sacred Eels

  • 87 fishing (96+ cooking recommended)
  • 72 cooking: for dissecting the fish. 96 cooking recommended.


GP per hour from catching Sacred Eels

With 96 cooking, players can catch 220 Sacred Eels per hour, resulting in about 1,540 Zulrah scales. This results in a profit of 371K GP per hour after deducting the cost of fishing bait. This also provides 23,000 fishing and 26,000 cooking XP.


Catching Dark Crabs

dark crabs

Dark crabs can be caught at the Resource Area in the wilderness. The fishing spots there never move, making it a low-intensity method of making GP. However, since it is the wilderness, there is a risk of running into PKers, so players should take caution.

dark crab fishing spot

Requirements for catching Dark Crabs

  • 85+ fishing
  • Lobster pot
  • Dark fishing bait
  • 15,400 to note dark crabs
  • Slash weapon to cut web on the way from the Edgeville lever

GP per hour from Catching Dark Crabs

At 85 fishing, players can catch 308 raw dark crabs per hour. This results in a profit of 350K GP per hour after the cost of Dark fishing bait and coins are deducted. 


Catching Minnows


Players can catch minnows on the minnow platform, and they can be exchanged for sharks with Kylie Minnow at a rate of 40 minnows for 1 shark. This method requires more attention since the minnow fishing spots always move 1 tile in a clockwise direction. For more detailed information on how to catch minnows, check our minnows fishing guide.

Requirements for catching Minnows

  • 82 fishing
  • Angler’s outfit
  • Fishing contest

GP per hour from catching Minnows

Players can exchange minnows for 375 raw sharks per hour. This results in a profit of 285K GP per hour. 


Catching Anglers fish


Players can fish Anglerfish from the beach shore north of the main docks of Port Piscarillius. This requires Sand worms, which can be purchased from Tynan’s fishing supplies nearby.

anglersfish spot

Requirements for catching Anglers fish

  • 82+ fishing
  • 15 hunter: if digging for sand worms.

GP per hour from catching Anglers fish

Players can catch 150 Raw Anglerfish per hour. This results in a profit of 224K GP per hour after the cost of sand worms has been deducted.


Catching Raw Karambwans

raw karambwans

Players can catch raw Karambwans at the Holy Lake, south of Tai Bwo Wannai Village, next ot fairy ring CKR. This method is very AFK and some fish can be saved and used as food later. For more detailed information, check our karambwan fishing guide.

Requirements for Catching Raw Karambwans

  • 65 fishing
  • Karambwan vessel with Karambwanji
  • Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
  • Partial completion of Fairytale II - Cure 

GP per hour from catching Raw Karambwans

600 raw karambwans can be caught per hour. This results in a profit of 199K GP per hour after they have been sold in the grand exchange. 1800 raw karambwanji is required as bait.


Catching Infernal Eels

infernal eels

Infernal Eels can be smashed with a hammer to get Onyx bolt tips, Lava scale shards, and Obsidian platelegs from Tokkul. These result in significant profits, making catching infernal Eels a profitable activity. Infernal Eels can be caught in the city of Mor UI Rek with an oily fishing rod and bait while wearing ice gloves.

infernal eel spot

Requirements for catching Infernal Eels

  • 80 fishing
  • 25 herblore (for oily fishing rod)

GP per hour from catching Infernal Eels

Players can catch around 287 Infernal Eels per hour. This results in a profit of 195K GP per hour, after they are all smashed with a hammer and the cost of fishing bait (1.5K GP) is deducted.


Catching Raw Sharks

raw sharks

The best location to catch raw Sharks is at the docks of the fishing guild since you will have an invisible +7 fishing level boost while inside the guild and there is also a nearby bank to store the sharks after catching them. Check our raw shark fishing guide to find more information on catching Raw sharks.

Requirements for catching Raw Sharks

  • 76+ fishing: 90+ is recommended
  • Harpoon

GP per hour from catching Raw sharks

At 90+ fishing, players can upwards of 160 sharks per hour, resulting in a profit of 119K GP per hour. 


F2P Fishing Money-Making Methods

Here is a summary of all F2P methods, ranked from most profitable to least

  1. Catching Sardines and Herring: 60K GP per hour and 12K fishing XP per hour.
  2. Catching Trout and Salmon: 55K GP per hour and 25K fishing  XP per hour.
  3. Catching Shrimp and Anchovies: 49K GP per hour and 13K fishing  XP per hour
  4. Catching Tuna and Swordfish: 15K GP per hour and 17K fishing XP per hour


Catching Sardines and Herring

sardines and herring

Southwest of Draynor Village, there are spots where players can bait raw sardines and raw herring. Both fish sell for decent prices on the grand exchange. However, raw Herrings are worth 1.5x raw sardines so it might be more profitable to drop the sardines, depending on your fishing level. 

sardine and herring spot

Requirements for catching Sardines and Herring

  • 10 fishing (30+ recommended)
  • 15+ combat: so you don’t get attacked by the dark wizards.

GP per hour from catching Sardines and Herring

With 30+ fishing, players can catch about 262 raw Sardines and 232 raw Herrings per hour, resulting in about 60K GP per hour after the cost of fishing bait is deducted.


Catching Trout and Salmon

trout and salmon

Trout and Salmon can be caught at the Barbarian Village fishing spot with a fly fishing rod. This method also gives the fastest fishing XP in F2P but only if the player drops the fish. If banking, the quickest place to do so is at the Edgeville bank.

trout and salmon spot

Requirements for catching Trout and Salmon

  • 20 fishing: 55+ fishing is recommended
  • Fly fishing rod
  • Feathers: used as bait

GP per hour from catching Trout and Salmon

Players can catch 268 raw Trout and 172 raw Salmon per hour, resulting in a profit of 55K GP per hour after the cost of feathers is deducted. 


Catching Shrimp and Anchovies

shrimp and anchovies

Shrimp and Anchovies have low fishing requirements, allowing low-level players to earn GP. The Draynor village is the best fishing spot to catch since it is closest to the bank.

Requirements for catching Shrimp and Anchovies

  • 15+ fishing: raw shrimps have no fishing requirements
  • Small net: these can be purchased from the grand exchange or fishing shops. It also spawns south of lumbridge, close to the fishing tutor.

GP per hour for catching Shrimp and Anchovies

Players can catch 248 Raw Anchovies and Shrimp per hour, resulting to 49K GP per hour and no bait is required.


Catching Tuna and Swordfish

tuna and swordfish

The best place to catch these fish is at Karamja. Players need to pay 60 coins for a round trip from Port Sarim to Musa point and back when they need to bank.

tuna and swordfish spot

Requirements for catching Tuna and Swordfish

  • 50+ fishing, 60+ fishing is recommended
  • Harpoon
  • 480 coins for ferry
  • Pirate treasure (recommended) to use payfare option and skip some line of dialogue when 

GP per hour from catching Tuna and Swordfish

Players can catch 78 raw Swordfish and 117 raw Tuna resulting in a profit of around 15K GP per hour. 

About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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