Green dragons are the weakest of the chromatic dragons in OSRS. Like other Dragons, they breathe Dragon fire, which can hit up to 50 damage to players not wielding an anti-dragon or Dragon fire shield. They are commonly killed since they are profitable and provide the fastest means of getting Dragon bones for prayer training on an ironman. However, they are frequently targeted by player-killers, so players opting to kill them in the Wilderness should beware.
Green Dragons can also be assigned as a slayer task by Krystillia. As a slayer task, killing Green Dragons is great as it gives good slayer experience rates and is also quite profitable.
The fastest ways to get to the Wilderness’ locations include:
Players who can’t use these options can simply run from Ferox Enclave after using the grouping teleport.
The fastest methods to the Green Dragons in the Myth’s Guild are:
Most locations for killing Green Dragons are in the Wilderness so, it’s recommended that players do not take items they are willing to lose. You should take 3 expensive items so you can keep them if your character dies, or 4 if using protect item prayer. Also, ensure you have the player attack option turned off so you don’t get skull-tricked.
Head slot: Helm of Neitiznot
Neck slot: Amulet of torture
Cape slot: Ardougne cloak 4
Body slot: Black d’hide body
Leg slot: Black d’hide chaps
Weapon slot: Abyssal whip
Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4
Shield slot: Anti-dragon shield
Glove slot: Combat bracelet
Boot slot: Climbing boots
Ring slot: Ring of dueling
Head slot: Saradomin Coif
Neck slot: Necklace of Anguish
Cape slot: Ava’s accumulator
Body slot: Black d’hide body
Leg slot: Black d’hide chaps
Weapon slot: Dragon hunter crossbow
Ammo slot: Broad bolts
Shield slot: Anti-dragon shield
Glove slot: Black d’hide vambraces
Boot slot: Climbing boot
Ring slot: Ring of dueling
Head slot: Ahrim’s hood
Neck slot: Amulet of glory
Cape slot: Ardougne cloak 4
Body slot: Bloodbark body
Leg slot: Bloodbark legs
Weapon slot: Trident of the swamp
Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4
Shield slot: Anti-dragonfire shield
Glove slot: Mystic gloves
Boot slot: Climbing boots
Ring slot: Ring of dueling
Green Dragons attack with melee and Dragon fire.
Green Dragons are weak to Stab and Ranged, so it’s recommended to use any of these styles when killing them. First, ensure you wield a dragonfire shield and drink an antifire potion before attacking them. High level players can tank their hits and don’t need protection prayers. However, low level players might need to use protection prayers to reduce damage from the Dragon’s attacks. The strategy is the same for players who want to use ranged or melee. However, there are safespots for players who use ranged which are quite useful, especially if they are low-level.
Players with 80+ attack, strength, and defence or 60 ranged can kill 170 green dragons per hour. This results in a profit of 728K GP after the cost of extended antifire, burning amulet and Broad bolts have been deducted. The profit will likely be lower due to PKer activity if killing them in the Wilderness. The profit goes up to 824K for players who kill them in Myth’s guild.
100% Drops
Dragon bones 1 (Always), Green dragonhide 1 (Always).
Weapons and Armour
Steel platelegs 1 (1/32), Steel battleaxe 1 (1/42.67), Mithril axe 1 (1/42.67), Mithril spear 1 (1/64), Mithril kiteshield 1 (1/128), Adamant full helm 1 (1/128), Rune dagger 1 (1/128).
Water rune 75 (1/16), Nature rune 15 (1/25.6), Law rune 3 (1/42.67), Fire rune 37 (1/128).
Grimy guam leaf 1 (1/34.1), Grimy marrentill 1 (1/45.5), Grimy tarromin 1 (1/60.7), Grimy harralander 1 (1/78), Grimy ranarr weed 1 (1/99.3), Grimy irit leaf 1 (1/136.5), Grimy avantoe 1 (1/182), Grimy kwuarm 1 (1/218.5), Grimy cadantine 1 (1/273.1), Grimy lantadyme 1 (1/364.1), Grimy dwarf weed 1 (1/364.1).
Coins 44 (1/4.414), Coins 132 (1/5.12), Coins 200 (1/12.8), Coins 110 (1/256), Coins 440 (1/128).
Bass 1 (1/42.67), Adamantite ore 1 (1/42.67).
Gem Drops
Nothing (1/51.29; Never), Uncut sapphire 1 (1/204.4; 1/652), Uncut emerald 1 (1/204.4; 1/208), Uncut ruby 1 (1/409.6; 1/922), Uncut diamond 1 (1/1,638; 1/1,832), Nature talisman 1 (1/1092; 1/652), Loop half of key 1 (1/3,277; 1/664), Tooth half of key 1 (1/3,277; 1/664), Rune javelin 1 (1/3,277; 1/664), Rune spear 1 (1/52,429; 1/13,245), Shield left half 1 (1/104,858; 1/36,672), Dragon spear 1 (1/139,810; 1/8,920).
Tertiary Drops
Key (elite) 1 (Always), Clue scroll (elite) 1 (Always), Reward casket (elite) 1 (Always), Looting bag 1 (1/3), Ensouled dragon head 1 (1/35), Clue scroll (hard) 1 (1/128; 1/64 with ring of wealth).
Wilderness Slayer Tertiary
Larran’s key 1 (1/100), Slayer’s enchantment 1 (1/260).