Created: Jan 24 2025

OSRS Mithril Dragon Guide: Locations, Safespots & Gear

OSRS Mithril Dragon Guide: Locations, Safespots & Gear

Mithril Dragons are the third-strongest metal Dragons in OSRS. They are generally considered a good slayer task as they are quick and profitable. However, the main downside to Mithril Dragons' slayer tasks is that they are tough to kill and require high combat stats to kill efficiently. 


Location of Mithril Dragons

Mithril Dragons can be found on the top level of the Ancient Cavern. To access this area, the player must have completed the first part of the Barbarian firemaking training and talked to Otto about Pyre ships.  

Here are the fastest ways to get to the Ancient Cavern:

location of mithril dragon

  • Games necklace or grouping teleport to the Barbarian Outpost: this is the quickest route to the whirlpool
  • Barbarian teleport on Lunar spellbook
  • Gnome glider or Spirit tree: players can use any of these options to travel to the Tree Gnome Stronghold and use the shortcut north of the Grand Tree to get to Baxtorian Falls Lake.
  • Fishing cape. Players with 99 fishing can use the fishing cape to teleport to Otto’s Grotto and run to the whirlpool from there.

When inside the cavern, climb up the stairs south to find the Mithril Dragons.


  • attack85+ attack
  • strength85+ strength
  • defence85+ defence
  • magic75+ magic
  • ranged80+ ranged
  • hitpoints85+ hitpoint
  • prayer icon75+ prayer


Gear and Inventory setup for Mithril Dragons


Melee Gear Setup example for Mithril Dragons

Melee Gear Setup example for Mithril Dragons

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Amulet of torture

Cape slot: Fire cape

Body slot: Bandos chestplate

Leg slot: Bandos tassets

Weapon slot: Dragon hunter lance

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Shield slot:  Dragonfire shield (charged)

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Dragon boots

Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)


Inventory setup for melee

Inventory setup for melee for Mithril Dragon

  • 2 Extended super antifire
  • 2 super divine combat potion
  • 6 prayer potions
  • Teleport method to and out of the Ancient Cavern
  • Food


Ranged Gear Setup example for Mithril Dragons

Ranged Gear Setup example for Mithril Dragons

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Necklace of anguish

Cape slot: Ava’s assembler

Body slot: Karil’s leathertop

Leg slot: Karil’s leatherskirt

Weapon slot: Dragon hunter crossbow

Ammo slot: Diamond dragon bolts (e)

Shield slot:  Anti-dragon shield

Glove slot: Barrows gloves

Boot slot: Saradomin d’hide boot

Ring slot: Archers ring(i)


Inventory setup for ranged

Inventory setup for ranged for Mithril dragon

  • 4 Extended antifire potions
  • 4 prayer potions
  • 2 Divine ranging potion
  • Teleport methods to and from the Mithril Dragons
  • 2 divine ranging potions
  • Food


Magic gear setup

Magic gear setup for Mithril Dragon

Head slot: Slayer helm (i)

Neck slot: Occult necklace

Cape slot: Imbued god cape

Body slot: Ancestral robe top

Leg slot: Ancestral robe bottom

Weapon slot: Tumeken’s shadow

Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4

Glove slot: Tormented bracelet

Boot slot: Eternal boots

Ring slot: Seers ring (i)


Inventory setup for magic

Inventory setup for magic for Mithril dragon

  • 2 Extended antifire
  • 6 prayer potions
  • Teleport methods to and back from the Mithril Bronze Dragons
  • Imbued heart


Mithril Dragon Attacks

Mithril Dragons have a combat level of 304 and can attack with melee, ranged, magic, and Dragonfire.

  • Melee attack: Mithril Dragons use a stab melee attack against players in melee range. This attack has a max hit of 28 and can be fully protected against by using protect from melee.
  • Ranged attack: This attack has a max hit of 22 and can be fully protected against by using protect from ranged.
  • Magic attack: This attack has a max hit of 18 and can be fully protected against by using protect from magic.
  • Dragonfire attack: Mithril Dragons use an extra long-ranged dragonfire attack when players are not in their melee range. Fighting Mithril Dragons without full protection from the Dragonfire attack is not recommended, as it can hit up to 50 damage.


Strategy for Fighting Mithril Dragons

Since Mithril Dragons use all 3 combat styles, players have to tank the hits from 2 other combat styles while using protection prayer against one. To minimize damage from the Mithril Dragon, players should prioritize protecting against the attack style they are weakest to, based on the defensive bonuses of their gear.


Strategy for maging Mithril Dragons

Mithril Dragons are weak to stab and Dragon Hunter weapons. However, magic is the most effective attack style for killing them. While maging them, players should stand at a distance and use Protect from Missiles, since Mithril Dragon’s ranged attacks have a higher max hit than its mage attacks. Players should also wear gear that maximizes their magic damage and accuracy bonus.


Strategy for ranging Mithril Dragons

Using ranged is similar to magic. Players should turn on protect from missiles and equip high magic defence bonus equipment while keeping their distance from the Mithril Dragon. Players are recommended to use a Dragon Hunter crossbow, as they are a lot more effective against Mithril Dragons than other Crossbows. Rigour or Eagle Eye should also be used to improve kills.


Strategy for meleeing Mithril Dragons

Using melee against Mithril Dragons is quite effective and cheap only if the player has high combat stats (90+) and uses Osmumten’s fang or a Dragon Hunter Lance. It’s best to use Protect from Magic and wear Torva or Bandos armour due to their high strength and defence bonuses. Players who can’t use any of those can opt for Karil’s or Black Dragonhide armour and use Protect from Melee. Piety should also be used to improve kills.


GP per hour from Mithril Dragons

With the recommended stats above, players can kill the Mithril Dragons 45 times per hour when wielding the Osmumten’s fang and using piety. This results in a 780K GP per hour profit after the costs of prayer potions, extended antifire potions, and food have been deducted. 


Drops from the Mithril Dragon

The average Mithril Dragon kill is worth 22K GP, including the average value of chewed bones. 

Dragon bones100% Drops
Dragon bones 1 (Always), Mithril bar 3 (Always).


rune dartWeapons and Armour
Rune battleaxe 1 (1/16), Rune dart(p) 10 (1/18.29), Rune battleaxe 1 (1/42.67), Rune knife 10 (1/42.67), Rune mace 1 (1/42.67), Rune spear 1 (1/64), Rune full helm 1 (1/128), Dragon full helm 1 (1/32,768).


soul runeRunes and Ammunition
Blood rune 27 (1/6.73), Rune javelin 9 (1/143), Runite bolts 10–21 (1/213.33), Soul rune 12 (1/426.7), Rune arrow 8 (1/426.7).


Shark 1 (1/21.33), Prayer mix(2) 1 (1/64), Super attack mix(2) 1 (1/64), Super restore mix(2) 1 (1/64), Super set mix(2) 1 (1/64).


Coins 600 (1/7.52), Coins 676 (1/18.29), Dragon javelin heads 15 (1/128), Chewed bones 1 (1/128), Runite bar 1 (1/42.67), Ancient page 1 (1/64).


dragon med helmRare and Gem Drop Table
Nothing (1/58.78), Uncut sapphire 1 (1/128), Uncut emerald 1 (1/64), Uncut ruby 1 (1/64), Loop half of key 1 (1/768), Tooth half of key 1 (1/768), Coins 3,000 (1/128), Nature talisman 1 (1/1,792), Uncut diamond 1 (1/1,792), Runite bar 1 (1/1,792), Rune javelin 5 (1/192), Nature rune 15 (1/192), Rune 2h sword 1 (1/1,661), Rune battleaxe 1 (1/1,661), Law rune 45 (1/128), Death rune 45 (1/128), Steel arrow 150 (1/128), Rune arrow 12 (1/128), Adamant javelin 5 (1/128), Rune sq shield 1 (1/1,661), Silver ore (noted) 100 (1/1,661), Rune spear 1 (1/1,665), Rune kiteshield 1 (1/16,384), Rune med helm 1 (1/16,384), Shield left half 1 (1/27,367), Dragon spear 1 (1/32,768).


Dragon visageTertiary
Brimstone key 1 (1/50), Elite clue scroll 1 (1/350), Draconic visage 1 (1/10,000).

About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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