Monkfishing is a profitable method of training fishing which also gives decent fishing XP rates, Monkfish gives 10 more fishing XP than sharks, granting 120 fishing XP per fish caught. Monkfishing is also a low-effort training method, requiring only a few clicks every minute. Since they can be caught relatively earlier, at level 62 fishing, this makes them one of the most profitable fish to catch for mid-level players
Requirements for Monkfishing
62 fishing
Small fishing net: there are two nets on the northeast corner of the colony in case you forget to bring one
Completion of Swan song: during this quest, players will get a chance to help the colony from the attack of Sea Trolls, after the completion, players will be able to fish for Monkfish from any of the fishing spots on the northern coast of the colony.
Where to catch Monkfish
Monkfish can only be caught at a fishing spot in the Piscatoris Fishing Colony after the completion of Swan Song Quest. The Piscatoris fishing colony is located north of Eagle’s Peak. Here are the fastest methods to get here:

- Kathy Corkat: players can talk to Kathy Corkat at the west fence of the Tree Gnome Stronghold, she can take them up the river to Piscatoris for 50 coins or for free if they have the ring of charos (a).
- Fairy Code AKQ: players who have partial completion of Fairytale II - Cure a Queen can teleport to Piscatoris using Fairy rings.
Western banner 3 or 4 teleport: Western banner 3 is given as a reward for the completion of the hard Western Provinces Diary and the Western Banner 4, after the completion of the elite Western Provinces dairy, Western Banner 3 gives one free daily teleport to Piscatoris while the Western banner 4 gives unlimited teleport to Piscatoris.
Piscatoris teleport scroll: These are consumable teleport scrolls that will teleport the player just outside the Piscatoris fishing colony, near the tunnel entrance. They can be obtained from all levels of Treasure Trails except beginner.
Recommendations for Monkfish
Rada’s blessing: These are rewards from the Kourend & Kebos Diary. When worn, they give the players a chance to catch an extra fish, this chance scales with the tier of Rada’s blessing, Rada’s blessing 1 gives a 2% chance of catching an extra fish, Rada’s blessing 2 gives 4%, Rada’s blessing 3 gives 6% and Rada’s blessing 4 gives an 8% chance.
Angler Outfit: This is an experience-boosting clothing set. When it is worn, the player will get 2.5% additional fishing XP from all fishing methods they do. It can be obtained by competing in the fishing trawler minigame, check our fishing trawler guide to learn to quickly the complete outfit
Spirit flakes: these are received from the reward pool after defeating Tempoross. Keeping them in your inventory while fishing gives you a 50% chance of a double catch when catching most fish, including monkfish.
Dragon harpoon: This is a wield-able harpoon that requires 61 fishing to use and 60 attack to wield. Although it cannot be used to catch Monkfish, when its special attack is activated, it provides a visible +3 boost to fishing and consumes 100% of the player’s special attack energy. This would improve fishing yield and XP rates.
How to Catch Monkfish
Catching Monkfish is quite easy, you only have to click the active monkfish spot with a small fishing net in your inventory. The active monkfish spot does not change as often as other fishing methods, making it quite AFK. If there are no active fishing spots, you might have to hop world to find one. It’s recommended to use the fishing plugin in runelite, it highlights the active fishing spot, making it easier to find.

There is a nearby bank south of the fishing spot, allowing players to quickly bank the fish they catch.
XP per hour from Catching Monkfish
These XP rates account for the time spent on banking and assume the player wears the full angler outfit. Without the outfit, expect a 2.5% decrease in these rates.
- At level 62 fishing, players can get 35,800 fishing XP per hour
- At level 70 fishing, players can get 37,800 fishing XP per hour
- At level 80 fishing, players can get 38,500 fishing XP per hour
- At level 90 fishing, players can get 40,000 fishing XP per hour
- At level 99 fishing, players can get 42,000 fishing XP per hour
From the XP rates above, it will take the player around 320 hours to get to 99 fishing when catching Monkfish from level 62.
GP per hour from Catching Monkfish
Players can catch between 205 and 375 Monkfish per hour, depending on their fishing level.
- At level 62 fishing, players can catch 298 Monkfish per hour, resulting in 63,772 GP per hour
- At level 70 fishing, players can catch 304 Monkfish per hour, resulting in 65,912 GP per hour
- At level 80 fishing, players can catch 312 Monkfish per hour, resulting in 68,694 GP per hour
- At level 90 fishing, players can catch 334 Monkfish per hour, resulting in 71,476 GP per hour
- At level 99 fishing, players can catch 350 Monkfish per hour, resulting in 74,900 GP per hour
From the profits above, players will catch 105.839 Monkfish from level 62 to level 99. This results in a profit of roughly 22.6M GP. Players can get decent cooking XP rates and improve their profit by cooking the raw monkfish. A monkfish sells for 90 GP higher when cooked and gives 150 cooking XP. Each hour 1300 Monkfish can be cooked, resulting in a profit of 105,000 GP per hour. Monkfish is also a popular food choice, each one can heal 16 hitpoints.
Rare drops from Catching Raw Monkfish
Additionally, players can get any of these rare drops from catching raw monkfish
Heron Fishing pet

Since monkfishing is quite AFK, it makes it easy to get the Heron pet. Players have a 1 in 138,583 chance of getting the Heron fishing pet while catching Monkfish

Players can get clue scrolls for every 840th to 696th Monkfish catch, depending on their fishing level.