Nex is a level 1,001 monster imprisoned in the Ancient Prison beneath the God Wars Dungeon. She is quite tough to kill but very rewarding as she has several valuable drops such as Torva armour, Zaryte Vambraces, the ancient hilt, and the nihil horn, used to create a Zaryte crossbow.
Completion of the Frozen Door miniquest: During this miniquest, players must assemble the frozen key, which can be used to access the dungeon. This miniquest also requires:
Head slot: Slayer helmet (i)
Neck slot: Necklace of anguish
Cape slot: Dizana’s quiver
Body slot: Masori body(f)
Leg slot: Masori chaps(f)
Weapon slot: Twisted bow
Ammo slot: Dragon arrow
Glove slot: Zaryte vambraces
Boot slot: Pegasian boots
Ring slot: Lightbearer
Head slot: Armadyl helmet
Neck slot: Necklace of Anguish
Cape slot: Ava’s accumulator
Body slot: Armadyl chestplate
Leg slot: Armadyl chainskirt
Weapon slot: Twisted bow
Ammo slot: Dragon arrows
Ring slot: Lightbearer
Glove slot: Barrows gloves
Boot slot: Pegasian boots
Head slot: Torva full helm
Neck slot: Amulet of blood fury
Cape slot: Infernal cape
Body slot: Torva platebody
Leg slot: Torva platelegs
Weapon slot: Osmuten’s fang
Shield slot: Avernic defender
Glove slot: Ferocious gloves
Boot slot: Primordial boots
Ring slot: Lightbearer
Head slot: Torva full helm
Neck slot: Amulet of blood fury
Cape slot: Infernal cape
Body slot: Torva platebody
Leg slot: Torva platelegs
Weapon slot: Osmuten’s fang
Ammo slot: Dragon arrows:
Shield slot: Avernic defender
Glove slot: Ferocious gloves
Boot slot: Primordial boots
Ring slot: Lightbearer
The Ancient prison’s entrance is located between Armadyl’s Eyrie and Saradomin’s Encampment on the southern wall of the God Wars Dungeon. Wearing a Zaros-related item will make the spiritual fighters and Blood Reavers unaggressive, while wearing God-affiliated items will make the minions outside the Ancient prison unaggressive.
Ashuelot Reis who provides banking services and a portal to enter Nex’s chamber are in the safe room in the prison. To access this room, the player must obtain 40 essence by killing these monsters:
The number of essence needed can be reduced with the completion of the various tiers of combat achievements, and no essence is required if you have an ecumenical key.
Nex’s chamber can only be accessed when the portal is glowing purple, which means no other player is fighting her. When it glows red, other players are fighting her, and it will remain that way until the fight ends. Players can retrieve their items from the chest in the safe room if they die fighting Nex. Retrieving the items from the chest costs 100,000 coins, regardless of the item's cost.
Nex has high health, moves at a player’s speed, and can jump across the room in 2 ticks, and across pits in her Chamber. She has five phases: Smoke, Shadow, Blood, Ice, and the Zaros phase, and she has different special attacks in each of these phases. She is weakest to stab attacks but ranged is highly recommended for the Shadow and Zaros phases.
Nex will target the nearest player when using her standard attacks. But If multiple players stand within equal proximity, the player with the lowest defensive bonus against her current style will be targeted.
Nex uses Ancient Magicks of the same type as the mage of that phase, with an attack range of 10. Using protect from magic will reduce the damage from this attack by 50% or by 66% during the blood phase.
The damage from this attack can be lowered by 50% during the shadow phase using protect from ranged.
Nex has a standard melee attack that can hit players for up to 30 damage when they are within melee distance. Using protect from melee will reduce the damage from this attack by 80% or 66% during the final phase.
During this phase, Nex will use Smoke Rush from the Ancient Magicks spell book, against the player which can poison them. She will shout “Fill my soul with smoke!” when she starts this phase.
Smoke phase’s special attacks
The best strategy to prevent this attack from spreading is by having one player equip negative magic defence armour and stand away from the other players at the start of the fight to avoid spreading the Choke to the rest of them. Alternatively, players can bring a gas mask, facemask, or slayer helmet to reduce the duration of choke in half.
Phase strategy: turn on protect from magic through this phase and keep your distance while attacking her. After Nex reaches 80% health (2720 hitpoints), Her mage Fuma, the northwestern minion will become vulnerable so kill it to enter the next phase.
During this phase, Nex uses a ranged attack known as shadow shots. Using protect from Missiles will reduce the damage by half. It’s not recommended to melee her during this phase, as the ranged damage increases the closer the player is. Instead, stand at the furthest distance from Nex and attack her.
Shadow Phase’s special attacks
Phase strategy: switch to protect from ranged during this phase and keep your distance from Nex. When Nex reaches 60% health (2040 hitpoints). Umbra, the northeastern minion, will become vulnerable, so kill it to enter the next phase.
The Blood phase is Nex’s third phase. She will shout “Flood my lungs with blood” when this phase starts and use Blood Barrage against the player. This heals her a percentage of the damage dealt and drains prayer based on the damage dealt
Blood phase’s special attacks
Phase strategy: switch back to protect from magic, attack Nex, and kill the blood reavers she summons. When Nex reaches 40% health (1360 hitpoints), Cruor, the southeastern minion will become vulnerable, so kill it to enter the next phase.
During this phase, Nex will use Ice Barrage against players, which will freeze them if they are not using Protect from magic and lower their prayer points by half the damage she deals.
Ice Phase’s special attacks
Phase strategy: Keep protect from magic turned on and keep your distance as she would do the containment special attack if you get close. When she gets to 20% health (680 hitpoints), she will shout “Glacies, don’t fail me!” her mage Glacies, at the southwestern corner, will become vulnerable and must be killed to proceed to the last phase.
Zaros phase is Nex’s fifth and final phase, where She is most dangerous. In this phase, she will summon the Zaros’ power, healing her 500 hitpoints. She will use only her melee and non-attuned magic attacks. Players with the lowest crush defence bonus are targeted by her melee attack more often.
Zaros phase’s special attacks
Nex starts this phase with Soul Split active. After four auto-attacks, she switches to Deflect Melee. Following another four auto-attacks, she disables all curses. After four more auto-attacks, she reactivates Soul Split and continues this cycle until she is defeated.
Phase strategy: Keep protect from magic turned on and keep your distance. Pay more attention to your prayer points as she will continually drain it. Keep your health up when she dies, as she will perform the wrath special attack.
Players can expect 9M per hour when killing Nex with a team or 13M when killing her as a duo
100%Big bones
1 Zaryte vambraces (1/172); 1 Nihil horn (1/258); 1 Torva full helm (damaged) (1/258); 1 Torva platebody (damaged) (1/258); 1 Torva platelegs (damaged) (1/258); 1 Ancient hilt (1/516)
Runes & Ammunition
84–325 Blood rune (Common); 85–170 Death rune (Common); 86–227 Soul rune (Common); 4–10 Dragon bolts (unf) (Common); 42–298 Cannonball (Common); 123–1,365 Air rune (Uncommon); 210–1,655 Fire rune (Uncommon); 193–1,599 Water rune (Uncommon); 84–325 Onyx bolts (e) (Uncommon)
6–20 (noted) Air orb (Common); 3–26 (noted) Uncut ruby (Common); 3–26 (noted) Uncut diamond (Common); 2–12 (noted) Wine of zamorak (Common); 23–95 (noted) Coal (Uncommon); 2–30 (noted) Runite ore (Uncommon)
3 Shark (Common); 1 Prayer potion (4) (Common); 2 Saradomin brew (4) (Common); 1 Super restore (4) (Common)
6–39 Ecumenical key shard (Common); 80–85 Nihil shard (1/16.4); 85–95 Nihil shard (1/26.13); 8,539–26,748 Coins (Uncommon); 1–2 Blood essence (1/82); 1 Rune sword (1/209)
1 Clue scroll (elite) (1/48); 1 Nexling (1/500)