Scurrius is the rat king in the Varrock Sewers. It is a great boss for players starting PVM as it introduces various PVM mechanics like prayer switches, dodging attacks, and managing minions during the fight.
Scurrius can be killed with mid-level combat levels between 60-90, has no requirement to fight, and offers a relatively higher amount of combat experience, especially with the rat bone weapons. Players can fight Scurrius in a public or instanced room. The public variant has stronger combat stats and is more difficult to defeat than the instanced variant.
Scurrius’s lair is located east of the entrance of the Varrock Sewers. Players can get to the sewers through the manhole east of the Varrock Palace. You can enter Scurius’s lair by climbing through the broken bars and leave by crossing through the sewage water. There is a delay of approximately 15 seconds after leaving before being able to rejoin. Before entering Scurrius’ lair, right-click the broken bars to select the variant you want to fight.
The fastest way to the Varrock sewers is through the Varrock teleport, then running to the manhole.
These are weapons that can deal higher damage to rats, including Scurrius. They are made by combining the Scurrius with different weapons, as mentioned below:
Scurrius is weak to all 3 combat styles but weaker to magic as he has only +20 defence against all melee attack styles and ranged but has a +10 magic defence
Head slot: Void melee helm
Neck slot: Amulet of Fury
Cape slot: Fire cape
Body slot: Void Knight top
Leg slot: Void knight robe
Weapon slot: Bone mace
Ammo slot: Holy blessing
Shield slot: Dragon defender
Glove slot: Void knight gloves
Boot slot: Dragon boots
Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)
Head slot: Void ranger helm
Neck slot: Necklace of anguish
Cape slot: Ava’s assembler
Body slot: Void Knight top
Leg slot: Void knight robe
Weapon slot: Bone shortbow
Ammo slot: Amethyst arrow
Glove slot: Void Knight gloves
Boot slot: Blessed boots
Ring slot: Archer's ring (i)
Head slot: Bloodbark helm
Neck slot: Occult necklace
Cape slot: God capers
Body slot: Bloodbark legs
Leg slot: Bone staff
Weapon slot: Malediction ward
Ammo slot: Rada blessing
Glove slot: Bloodbark gauntlets
Boot slot: Bloodbark boots
Ring slot: Seer’s ring (i)
Scurrius has a combat level of 200 with an attack level of 300 and a +150 melee attack bonus. He also has 50 ranged and 100 magic. To kill Scurrius, it’s important to understand all his attacks, as shown below.
Scurrius can strike the player with its tail when they are in melee range. This melee attack has a max hit of 14 and is its most accurate attack. The damage from this attack can be nullified by using protect from melee. Since Melee is Scurrius’ fastest attack. You should leave prayer against melee active at all times until you see his ranged or magic attack coming,
Scurrius will send lightning at the player during the fight. This magic attack deals damage on impact and has a maximum damage of 14 (8 in solo mode). Protect from magic negates the damage from this attack. This attack is easy to anticipate, so you should activate prayer only when you see it coming
Scurrius’s ranged attack consists of a brown fur thrown at the player. It also deals damage on impact and has a maximum damage of 13 (7 in solo mode). Protect from Missiles nullifies the damage from this attack. Similar to the magic attack, it is easy to see this attack coming.
Scurrius can summon 6 level 46 giant rats to appear around the arena. He will first screech before he performs this attack. The rats have very accurate attacks and can hit players through prayer. They have a maximum hit of 1 if the player has prayer from melee turned on or 4, if not. Scurrius can summon these rats multiple times during the fight, and they will continue to attack the player even after Scurrius is killed. It’s best to leave and re-enter the arena after killing Scurrius as that would make them disappear.
If you have a rat bone weapon, Venator bow, Rune thrownaxe, or DInh’s bulwark. it is recommended to kill the giant rat with the no attack delay if you are trying to get the best XP per hour. If you are trying to get more Scurrius’ kills, you should try to trap the rats using Scurrius and tank some of their hits.
For this attack, Scurrius will jump, causing bricks to fall on the player and several tiles randomly in the arena. The tile on which bricks is about to fall will turn dark. Players should use this as an indicator of tiles to avoid. This attack will always damage the player between 15 and 24 damage in instanced mode or 15 to 22 in solo mode
When Scurrius gets to 80% of his health, he will move to a Food pile in the arena to eat, restoring 5 or 10 health every few seconds. He will never use melee in this phase, instead, he will use magic, ranged, the falling bricks attacks, and summon his minions. He will stop eating when his health reaches 30%.
Scurrius will start on the east side of the arena. He will approach the player to use his melee attack, likely followed by the falling bricks attack. Use protect from melee during this phase and dodge the falling bricks when you see the shadows on the floor.
When Scurrius gets to 80% of his health, it will move to the Food pile and start to heal while using ranged, magic, and the falling rocks attacks. After every tenth eating animation, he will stop and resume attack on the player with melee. He might also switch to magic, ranged, or falling bricks attacks and will occasionally summon giant rats.
When Scurrius gets 30% of his health, it will move to the centre of the arena and attack the player with ranged, magic, and falling bricks attacks. The ranged, and magic attacks will be faster, and he will use the falling brick attacks multiple times in a row. He will also summon the giant rats up to a maximum of 12 times. You can also eat from the Food Pile once every 10 minutes to heal to full health when you are not in combat.
100%1 Big bones (Always), 1 Raw rat meat (Always)
1 Adamant platebody (1/16.67), 1 Rune med helm (1/16.67), 1 Rune full helm (1/16.67), 1 Rune sq shield (1/16.67), 1 Rune chainbody (1/16.67), 1 Rune battleaxe (1/16.67)
Runes and ammunitions
20–50 Adamant arrow (1/16.67), 20–50 Rune arrow (1/16.67), 70–125 Chaos rune (1/16.67), 40–90 Death rune (1/33.33), 30–60 Law rune (1/33.33)
Food and potions
1–3 Trout (1/16.67), 1–3 Tuna (1/16.67), 1–3 Lobster (1/16.67), 1 Prayer potion(4) (1/16.67), 1 Shark (1/33.33), 1 Ranging potion(1) (1/33.33), 1 Super strength(1) (1/33.33), 1 Cheese (1/100)
1,000–9,000 Coins (1/16.67)
Tertiary drops
1 Clue scroll (medium) (1/25), 1 Scurius' spine (1/33), 1 Long bone (1/400), 1
Scurry (1/3,000), 1 Curved bone (1/5,013)