Skotizo is a large demonic boss located beneath the Catacombs of Kourend. He can be killed in place of Black demons and Greater demons when assigned to kill them on a slayer task. He is known to have a very high chance of dropping the elite clue scroll and a guaranteed hard clue scroll drop. The fight takes place in an instance. Upon death, all unprotected items will be moved to a grave outside and any items left on the ground will be lost.
Dark totem
Access to Skotizo’s lair requires a dark totem, which should be used on the altar in the centre of the Catacombs. Players need a dark totem for each entry into its lair. It can be created by combining the dark totem base, middle, and top. All three components can be obtained by killing monsters in the Catacomb of Kourend. The dark totem can also be obtained as a drop from Skotizo.
Skotizo is located in his lair beneath the Catacombs of Kourend. To enter, players must sacrifice a Dark totem to the Altar in the centre of the catacombs. The main entrance to the Catacombs of Kourend can be accessed by investigating the statue of King Rada I in the courtyard of Kourend castle.
Here are the fastest ways to get here:
Head slot: Neitiznot faceguard
Neck slot: Amulet of Fury
Cape slot: Fire cape
Body slot: Karil’s leathertop
Leg slot: Bandos tassets
Weapon slot: Arclight
Ammo slot: Rada’s blessing 4
Shield slot: Dragon defender
Glove slot: Barrows gloves
Boot slot: Dragon boots
Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)
Special attack weapon: Elder maul or Bandos Godsword
Divine super combat potion (4)
Special attack weapon
Prayer potion (4)
Stamina potion (optional)
Emergency teleport
Dark totem
Good food: fill the rest of your inventory with food
Skotizo is vulnerable to demonbane weapons. These are a class of weapons that are more effective against demon-type monsters. Players should wear armour with high magic defence while protecting from melee, so the only way Skotizo can damage them is through magic.
Skotizo has two standard attacks; melee and magic, each with a maximum hit of 38. He will use a melee attack when the player is in melee range, and a magic attack if not. Except for these attacks, Here are other attacks you should look out for:
If a player depletes up to two-thirds of Skotizo’s health, he will summon 3 reanimated spawns and may randomly summon a dark Ankou at any point while an altar is active. They only use melee attack, so you don’t have to worry if protect from melee is turned on. The Arclight can kill them in one hit, which is why it is recommended for this fight.
Skotizo will randomly activate one of the four Awakened altars on each side of the room. For each activated altar, the player will deal less damage to him. 15% less with Arclight and 25% less with other weapons, up to a maximum of 60% and 100% damage reduction respectively.
One hit from the Arclight and Emberlight will disable an altar, regardless of the player’s stats and gear. The awakened altars have a hitpoint of 100 points, trying to kill it without those weapons would take too long. It is advisable to bring stamina potions to save energy when running to disable the altars. Players should temporarily switch to protect from Magic when running to disable the altars, as Skotizo will switch attack style when they are not in melee range.
The fight is quite easy. Ensure to use the right protection players to minimize the damage and eat when needed. After Skotizo has been killed, pick up the loot and turn off auto-retaliate so you don’t waste the charges from your Arclight on the minions.
Each Skotizo kill is worth approximately 164K GP or 166K when on a Konar task
100% drops: Infernal ashes (Always),
Clue scroll (hard) (Always)
Ancient shards: Ancient shard 1 (1/1.333), Ancient shard 2 (1/6.667), Ancient shard 3 (1/20), Ancient shard 4 (1/25), Ancient shard 5 (1/100)
Gemstones: Uncut dragonstone (10 noted) (1/111.1), Uncut onyx (1/1,000)
Armour: Rune platebody (3 noted) (1/14.29), Rune plateskirt (3 noted) (1/14.29), Rune plateskirt (3 noted) (1/14.29)
Runes: Death rune (500) (1/14.29), Soul rune (450) (1/14.29), Blood rune (450) (1/14.29)
Resources: Adamantite ore (75 noted) (1/14.29), Grimy snapdragon (20 noted) (1/14.29), Grimy torstol (20 noted) (1/14.29), Raw anglerfish (60 noted) (1/14.29), Runite bar (20 noted) (1/14.29)
Other: Mahogany plank (150 noted) (1/14.29), Battlestaff (25 noted) (1/14.29), Onyx bolt tips (40) (1/14.29), Shield left half (1/100)
Tertiary: Clue scroll (elite) (1/5),
Ensouled demon head (~1/9),
Dark claw (1/25),
Dark totem base (1/42.67),
Dark totem middle (1/42.67),
Dark totem top (1/42.67),
Brimstone key (1/56),
Skotos (1/65),
Dark totem (1/128),
Jar of darkness (1/200)
Combat achievements for Skotizo
There are 7 combat achievement tasks available for fighting Skotizo. The type and tier of achievements of each are included below.