Vet’ion also known as the skeletal champion is a boss in the Vet’ion’s Rest, at level 35 wilderness. The main difference between fighting Vet’ion and Calvar’ion is that Vet’ion has a better drop table and resides in a multi-combat area in level 35 wilderness, so players cannot use teleports to escape from PKers.
The Vet’ion’s Rest is a multi-combat dungeon in the wilderness, south of the Lava Dragon Isle. A fee of 50,000 GP, which can be deducted directly from the player’s bank, is required to access the Vet’ion rest. The fee would no longer be needed for subsequent trips unless you get killed by another player, and it decreases by 10,000 GP for every kill for the player who deals the most damage to Vet’ion.
Here are the fastest ways to get here:
Head slot: Helm of Neitiznot
Neck slot: Salve Amulet (e)
Cape slot: Ardougne cloak 4
Body slot: Black d’hide body
Leg slot: Black d’hide chaps
Weapon slot:Viggora’s/Ursine chainmace
Shield slot: Dragon defender/Avernic Defender
Glove slot: Barrows gloves
Boot slot: Dragon boots
Ring slot: Berserker ring (i)
Vet’ion is very resistant to any combat style other than crush as he has -10 crush defence, so use a weapon with a high strength bonus. Also use the Salve amulet, since its effects work on him because he is undead.
All Vet’ion’s attacks are avoidable, and it is possible to kill him while taking zero damage and without protection prayers. Here are Vet’ion’s attacks and the best strategies to avoid damage from them
Vet’ion will release bolts of lighting, striking several tiles across the arena and dealing damage to players within a 3x3 area. In groups, one bolt will target every player while in solo, one bolt will always target the player and the other 4 will strike random locations.
A circle will form in the area that is about to be struck. Use this as a signal and avoid them.
When Vet’ion gets to half of his health, it will summon 2 Skeletal Hellhounds to attack the player. You should turn on protect from melee and kill them immediately unless Vet’ion won’t take any damage as they make him immune. The hellhounds have a maximum hit of 26, but are quite easy to kill, having only 30 health.
Vet’ion will bash the area in front of and underneath him, and players will take 35 damage and be unable to attack for the next 4.8 seconds if they don’t move. Right before this attack, he will raise his shield and shadows will appear on AoE of the attack. Use these signals to avoid this attack. This attack is a major concern for most players. However, it is easy to dodge, and he will only use it when the player is in melee range.
When Vet’ion loses all of its initial health, he will turn orange, summon orange lightning bolts in a circle around him, and restore his health to full, indicating he is in his enraged form. He has the same mechanics but will die after losing all of his health in this form. To prevent damage from the lightning bolts, keep a distance when he is about to change forms or stand under him.
Since Vet’ion will approach the player in between his attacks during the fight, players fighting him solo can use this to manipulate him to walk towards the exit and keep him there most of the time. It allows the player to escape quickly if they encounter a PKer. Running out of the exit will take the player to the Escape caves, where they would have to navigate their way to the exit.
The best method for escaping PKers is to leave another account outside the Vet’ion’s rest to scout for PKers so you can get a good head start before they enter.
Players with the suggested stats and gear can kill Vet’ion 37 times per hour. An average Vet’ion kill is worth 159K. This results in about 5.4M GP profit per hour after the cost of food and potion have been deducted.
100% drop
1 Big bone
Unique Drops1 Skull of Vet'ion (1/196); 1 Dragon 2h sword (1/256); Dragon pickaxe (1/256); Voidwaker blade (1/360),
Ring of the gods (1/512)
Weapons and
5 (noted) Rune pickaxe (1/15.75); 150 Rune dart (1/42); 150 Rune knife (1/42); 4 (noted) Mystic fire staff (1/63); 4 (noted) Mystic water staff (1/63); 4 (noted) Mystic robe top (1/63); 4 (noted) Mystic robe bottom (1/63); 4 (noted) Rune full helm (1/63)
Runes and
900 Chaos rune (1/18); 700 Death rune (1/18); 500 Blood rune (1/18); 550 Cannonball (1/31.5)
675 (noted) Gold ore (1/21); 60 (noted) Limpwurt root (1/25.2); 100 (noted) Wine of zamorak (1/25.2); 225 (noted) Magic logs (1/25.2); 400 (noted) Oak plank (1/21); 75 (noted) Uncut ruby (1/35); 35 (noted) Uncut diamond (1/42); 150 (noted) Dragon bones (1/42); 5 (noted) Uncut dragonstone (1/126); 450 (noted) Mort myre fungus (1/63); 100 (noted) Grimy ranarr weed (1/126); 45 (noted) Grimy dwarf weed (1/126); 45 (noted) Grimy snapdragon (1/126); 45 (noted) Grimy toadflax (1/126)
Other50,000 Coins (1/12.6); 10 (noted) Super restore (4) (1/25.2); 20 (noted) Sanfew serum (4) (1/25.2); 50 (noted) Dark crab (1/25.2); 225 (noted) Supercompost (1/31.5); 1 Wilderness crabs teleport (1/126); 100 (noted) Blighted anglerfish (1/126)
Secondary Supply Roll
5–6 Blighted anglerfish (1/18); 5–6 Blighted karambwan (1/18); 3–4 Blighted super restore (3) (1/18); 3–4 Blighted super restore (4) (1/18); 2–3 Ranging potion (2) (1/18); 2–3 Super combat potion (2) (1/18)
1 Looting bag (1/3); 1 Brimstone key (1/50); 1 Clue scroll (elite) (1/100); 1 Long bone (1/400); 1 Vet'ion Jr. (1/1,500); 1 Skeleton champion scroll (1/5,000); 1 Curved bone (1/5,013)
Wilderness Slayer Tertiary
Slayer’s enchantment (1/30) and Larran’s key (1/50)