Woodcutting is a skill that allows players to cut different types of trees with an axe. Higher levels let players chop trees faster and access better logs and axes, increasing efficiency and profit. Since woodcutting is generally AFK, it provides an easy method of making money.
Here is a summarized list of all P2P woodcutting money making methods, ranked from most profitable to the least.
Mahogany logs are popularly used in Construction training. Cutting them is quite profitable since they sell for a decent price on the grand exchange. The best location for cutting them is at Ape Atoll. With a full inventory, bank at Castle Wars or Al-Kharid, then return. Alternatively, players with 55 farming can cut mahogany logs grown in the 3 hardwood tree farming patches on Fossil Island, which is much closer to a bank.
Players can cut 350 mahogany logs, resulting in 165K GP per hour.
Players can still make a decent profit from cutting teak logs as they are often used for firemaking and construction. The best place to cut them, which is close to a bank, is southwest of Castle Wars. You should use the ring of dueling to return to the bank when your inventory is full.
Players can cut between 550 and 1,200 teak logs, depending on their woodcutting level. This results in a profit between 130,900 and 285,600 GP per hour.
The Woodcutting Guild is one of the best places to chop magic trees. It has 8 magic trees close to a bank, and it also grants an invisible +7 woodcutting boost.
Between 80 and 130 magic logs can be cut per hour, for a profit between 81K to 131K GP per hour.
Although Redwood logs are less in demand than other woods, they are still profitable. The only locations where they can be cut are at the woodcutting and farming guilds. Players are required to grow a redwood tree first before they can cut it in the farming guild, but it has a bank deposit box close to the tree.
Players can cut 180 redwood logs per hour, resulting in a profit of 92K GP per hour
Here is a summarized list of all F2P woodcutting money making methods, ranked from most profitable to the least.
Yew logs are the most valuable logs in F2P. Edgeville is the best place to chop them since it is close to a bank.
Players can chop 150 yew logs per hour, which is worth 44K. 500 Anima-infused bark can also be obtained when traded for felling axe handles, worth 97K. This gives a total profit of 141K GP per hour.
Draynor Village is the best place to cut Oak trees. There is an oak tree just east of the bank and close to it. Since the oak trees respawn quickly, there is only a little downtime.
Players can cut 800 Oak logs per hour with the recommendations above. This translates to 52,800 GP per hour.
The best place to chop Willow trees is in Draynor village. There are 5 willow trees just southwest of the bank.
Players can chop between 400 and 600 Willow logs per hour, worth 32K and 49K GP per hour.