OSRS HCIM Accounts For Sale

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HCIM Skiller with Golem and FENIX!

Combat Level Combat Level 3
Attack 1 Hitpoints 10 Mining 99
Strength 1 Agility 73 Smithing 24
Defence 1 Herblore 1 Fishing 1
Ranged 1 Thieving 29 Cooking 1
Prayer 1 Crafting 55 Firemaking 99
Magic 1 Fletching 63 Woodcutting 67
Runecrafting 77 Slayer 9 Farming 1
Construction 38 Hunter 83 Total Level 736
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What is an OSRS HCIM account?

An OSRS Hardcore Ironman (HCIM) account is a type of account that is not allowed to interact with other players in the game. This implies that it cannot trade, use the grand-exchange or loot items from PVP related activities. This makes the account type similar to an OSRS ironman account. The only difference with an ironman account is that HCIM accounts only have one life. This means that if you die in an unsafe area, you will lose your HCIM status and your account will automatically transfer into a regular ironman account.

Why buy your OSRS HCIM account from us?

We at Lucky Charm Gold have sold over 1000+ OSRS accounts on different forums without any problems. We have gathered thousands of positive feedback on our Discord, Sythe, and Trustpilot pages combined. Furthermore, we are also the original owner of all the accounts that we are selling. Therefore, when buying an HCIM account from us, we can guarantee with full confidence that your account will not be recovered in the future. All the OSRS HCIM accounts that we have for sale have no email registered to the accounts. Meaning that you will be the first to set an email on the account and will be the first to change the password. This gives you full confidence that you know the creation password of the account, since the password could not have been altered before. Accounts with an unregistered email address are also extremely hard to recover, since only the creation password is known to the seller. This makes unregistered email address accounts very popular among account buyers.

The type of OSRS HCIM accounts we have for sale

We mainly have HCIM for sale that are pre-built with specific skills. These are mainly annoying skill grinds that are needed in early game stages, giving you the ability to start your HCIM journey with a kick-start. We have many types of OSRS HCIM for sale with different skill requirements, to grind out. The most popular skill grind is 99 firemaking, which gives an abundance of Wintertodt crates. Wintertodt crates can be opened for secondary supplies and starter cash.

The sale process

After you purchase your OSRS HCIM the details of the accounts will be automatically emailed to the email address specified with your order. After you have received the email with the account credentials, you can set the first email on the account. After setting the email you can change the password, set an authenticator, and the account is all yours to use. For further security, we advise setting an authenticator as well as a bank pin on your account. We wish you a great HCIM journey on Old School RuneScape and hope that to see your HCIM account on the top of the high scores one day!