OSRS Zulrah Ready Accounts For Sale

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Zulrah Ready Account

Combat Level Combat Level 81
Attack 42 Hitpoints 75 Mining 18
Strength 33 Agility 52 Smithing 1
Defence 70 Herblore 3 Fishing 1
Ranged 80 Thieving 17 Cooking 1
Prayer 50 Crafting 21 Firemaking 1
Magic 80 Fletching 9 Woodcutting 37
Runecrafting 1 Slayer 20 Farming 1
Construction 1 Hunter 1 Total Level 615

Zulrah Ready Account

Combat Level Combat Level 87
Attack 44 Hitpoints 80 Mining 15
Strength 41 Agility 52 Smithing 1
Defence 70 Herblore 1 Fishing 23
Ranged 90 Thieving 18 Cooking 16
Prayer 50 Crafting 21 Firemaking 50
Magic 90 Fletching 9 Woodcutting 36
Runecrafting 1 Slayer 20 Farming 1
Construction 9 Hunter 1 Total Level 0

Zulrah Ready Account

Combat Level Combat Level 84
Attack 40 Hitpoints 76 Mining 18
Strength 44 Agility 52 Smithing 29
Defence 70 Herblore 10 Fishing 1
Ranged 85 Thieving 10 Cooking 1
Prayer 50 Crafting 22 Firemaking 1
Magic 85 Fletching 14 Woodcutting 36
Runecrafting 1 Slayer 20 Farming 1
Construction 1 Hunter 9 Total Level 676
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What are Zulrah-ready accounts?

Zulrah-ready accounts are a type of OSRS account that is built specifically to kill the high-level boss Zulrah. The requirements to kill Zulrah include the Regicide quest, animal magnetim, the mage arena miniquest, and ranged and magic should be at least 80+. Zulrah-ready accounts can kill Zulrah immediately after the account is purchased, which is currently one of the best solo money-making methods in GP per hour. Zulrah ready accounts are also extremely popular amongst botters since they can just buy an account and start botting on it to make great profits. If you want to learn more about how to make money on Zulrah check out our Zulrah money making guide.

Why buy OSRS Zulrah accounts at LuckyCharmGold

All the Zulrah accounts for sale have no email address registered, meaning that you will be the first to register the email address on the account. Therefore, you are sure that you know the creation password of the account, which gives you better confidence since accounts with no email set are very hard to recover. We are also the original owner of all the Zulrah accounts for sale, which gives you full confidence that the account will not be recovered at a later stage. In total, we have sold over 1000+ OSRS accounts since 2019, without any problems. We have also gathered thousands of positive feedback in our Discord our Trustpilot page, and our Sythe vouches.