OSRS Achievement diary service

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Get your achievement diary service completed in no time and enjoy!
Kourend & Kebos
Kourend & Kebos
Lumbridge & Draynor
Lumbridge & Draynor
Western Provinces
Western Provinces
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does your OSRS achievement diary service work?

After you have paid via our website we will invite you to our OSRS services discord. There you will need to fill out a form and fill out the order number that you received via your email. After you created the ticket one of our Staff members will post your job to our workers. You are then asked to leave your account credentials, that only the worker can see after he has taken your job. The worker will keep you updated with progress within your ticket. 

How do you prevent bans while doing the service?

When you open a ticket in our services discord we will ask you which country you are from so our worker can use a VPN from your country to complete the service. This way it looks like you yourself are logging in to the account, doing services this way we never had a customers account banned before. 

Can i buy the achievement diary service on my Jagex Launcher account?

Yes, this is no problem at all. When our workers want to log in to your account, please provide the access code that is sent to your email. This way, the worker can log in to your account via the Jagex Launcher.

Why buy OSRS achievement diary services at LuckyCharmGold

Out of any other websites, we offer the cheapest prices out there for our achievement diary services. Meaning that you will save a lot of money buying from us. We also use the safest methods possible to do any service on your account, all our workers will play on a VPN when completing the diary service on your account. When you create a ticket in our Discord, please indicate where you are from (city + country), so our worker knows which VPN location to use while playing on your account. All our workers play for around 8–10 hours per day on your account, meaning you will have your achievement diary service completed in no time, meaning you can jump back into the game as soon as possible.

What if you lack the requirements for an achievement diary yet

If you lack the skill requirements for an achievement diary service, you can order this as well on our website. Check out our OSRS power leveling service to get any skill requirements completed by us as well! Do you have any quests missing that you need to complete to do the achievement diary? Then make sure to check out our OSRS questing services page.