Last updated: Mar 6 2025

OSRS Herblore Money Making Guide

OSRS Herblore Money Making Guide

Herblore is a skill that allows players to make potions from herbs and secondary ingredients. These potions have a variety of helpful effects on players, like temporary skill boosts or antifire, making some of them more valuable than the ingredients required. Making these potions is an easy way to make money while training herblore since Herblore training methods usually have low click intensity but offer decent XP rates.


Herblore Money-Making Methods

Some of these methods require significant capital, so always check the current grand exchange before using them since prices fluctuate regularly to ensure you don’t make a loss. 

  1. Mastering Mixology: 2.6M GP per hour and 81,200 herblore XP per hour.
  2. Making Super combat potions: 2.2M GP per hour and 360,000 herblore XP per hour.
  3. Making Sanfew serum (4): 645K GP per hour and 40,000 herblore XP per hour.
  4. Making Tarromin Potions(unf): 376K GP per hour. This does reward any XP.
  5. Cleaning Grimy Guam leaves: 235K GP per hour and 12,500 herblore XP per hour
  6. Cleaning Grimy Tarromin: 205K GP per hour and 19,000 herblore XP per hour.
  7. Cleaning Grimy harralander: 180K GP per hour and 31,500 herblore XP per hour
  8. Cleaning Grimy Marrentil: 170K GP per hour and 19,000 herblore XP per hour


Mastering Mixology

mastering mixology

Mastering Mixology is a herblore minigame in Aldarin where players help the Alchemical Society in making potions and are rewarded with herblore XP and resins, which can be used to purchase different useful rewards. Its gameplay is not too complicated and has been explained thoroughly in our Mastering Mixology guide.

Requirements for Mastering Mixology

  • 60+ herblore: 81+ access to Mixalot potions
  • Mox, Lye, and Aga Paste
  • Children of the sun

GP per hour for mastering Mixology

Players can buy a Chugging barrel, worth 13M GP with points from playing the Mastering Mixology minigame for 4 hours. This results in a profit of 2.6M GP per hour.


Making Super combat potions

super combat potions

Super combat potions can be made by combining super attack, super defence, super strength, and Torstol. The best way to do this is to withdraw 7 super attack potions, 7 super defence potions, 7 super strength potions, and 7 torstols and use any item on the other. Be careful not to drink any of the potion. 

The prescription goggles provide a 10% chance to not use the torstol, which is the secondary ingredient, increasing your profits. It can be obtained as a reward from the mastering mixology minigame.

Requirements for making super combat potions

  • 90 herblore
  • Prescription goggles are recommended
  • Druidic ritual to unlock the herblore skill

GP per hour from making super combat potions

Players can make 2,400 Super combat potions (4) worth 32.7M GP per hour. This results in a profit of 2.2M GP per hour after the cost of 2,400 super attack (4), super defence (4). Super strength (4), and 2,133 Torstol. Without the prescription goggles, the hourly profit reduces to 1.44M GP per hour.


Making Sanfew serum(4)

sanfew serum

Sanfew potions can be made by adding Snake weed, Unicorn horn dust, and beast nails to a super restore. 

Requirements for making super sanfew serum

  • 65 herblore
  • Super restore (4)
  • Nail beast nails
  • Unicorn horn dust
  • Snake weed

GP per hour from making super sanfew serum

250 Sanfew serum (4), worth 3.87M can be made every hour from 250 nail beast nails, Unicorn horn dust and super restore (4). This results in a profit of 645K GP per hour after the cost are deducted.


Making Tarromin Potions (unf)

tarromin potion unf

Tarromin potions (unf) are essential for crafting strength potions, allowing them to sell for a good price on the grand exchange. However, since making them grants no experience, most players prefer buying them directly from the grand exchange. This creates an opportunity to profit by making and selling them. They can be made by using a Tarromin on a vial of water.

Requirements for making Tarromin potions (unf)

  • 12 herblore
  • Druidic ritual
  • GP to buy Tarromin and a vial of water

GP per hour from making Tarromin potions (unf)

4,000 Tarromin potions (unf) worth 1.75M GP can be made every hour from 4,000 Tarromin worth 1.36M GP and 4,000 vials of water worth 16K. This results in a profit of 376K GP per hour.


Cleaning Grimy Guam Leaves

grimy guam leaf

Clean Guam leaves are significantly more valuable than the grimy ones since they are in demand to create attack potions, making it profitable to clean grimy guam leaves. Note that grimy guam leaves have a buying limit of 13,000 every four hours, so you may clean them faster than you can buy them if you choose to use this method.

Requirements for cleaning Grimy Guam leaves

  • 3 herblore
  • Guam leaves
  • Druidic ritual

GP per hour from cleaning Grimy Guam Leaves

5,000 grimy guam leaves, worth 2.35M GP, can be cleaned per hour and sold for 2.585M GP as Guam leaves. This results in a profit of 235K GP per hour.


Cleaning Grimy Tarromin

grimy tarromin

Cleaning Grimy Tarromin is a click-intensive but rewarding activity. This is because clean Tarromin is in demand to create strength potions, making it sell for a decent price on the grand exchange. Note that grimy Tarromin has a buying limit of 13,000 every four hours.

Requirements for cleaning Grimy Tarromin

  • 11 herblore
  • Grimy tarromin
  • Druidic ritual

GP per hour from cleaning Grimy Tarromin

5,000 grimy Tarromins, worth 1.48M GP, can be cleaned per hour and sold for 1.685M GP as Tarromin. This results in a profit of 205K GP per hour.


Cleaning Grimy harralander

grimy harralander

Harralander is valuable for making Guthix Rest and energy potions, creating demand on the Grand Exchange. Since players prefer buying clean herbs, cleaning grimy Harralander for resale is a profitable method.

Requirements for cleaning Grimy Harrander

  • 20 herblore
  • Grimy harralander
  • Druidic ritual

GP per hour from cleaning Grimy Harrander

5,000 grimy Harrander, worth 3.1,85M GP, can be cleaned per hour and sold for 3.365M GP as Tarromin. This results in a profit of 180K GP per hour.


Cleaning Grimy Marrentil

grimy marrentil

Marrentil are in demand for creating the Guthix rests and for prayer training using incense burners, allowing them to sell for a decent price on the grand exchange. Similar to cleaning the other herbs mentioned above, it will take 10 to 20 seconds to clean the 28 herbs. It is advised to use mouse keys to make this process easier.

Requirements for cleaning Grimy Marrentil

  • 5 herblore
  • Grimy Marrentil
  • Druidic ritual

GP per hour from cleaning Grimy Marrentil

5,000 grimy Harrander, worth 1.3 M GP, can be cleaned per hour and sold for 1.48M GP as Tarromin. This results in a profit of 170K GP per hour.

About Author


Petecleff13 is a passionate writer who has authored hundreds of articles in many areas throughout the years. He has also played OSRS with several account builds for over 5 years. He uses his passion for playing OSRS and writing to provide informative guides for both novice and experienced OSRS players. He is originally from South Africa and joined LuckyCharmGold as an Author in 2020.

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