Mining allows players to obtain ores and gems from rocks using only a pickaxe. These can be sold at the grand exchange, making mining a profitable skill since no resources are needed. The higher a player’s mining level, the better rocks they can mine and the more likely they are to extract ore from rocks successfully.
Note that since the prices of items vary on the grand exchange, the GP per hour from the methods might be different.
Here is a summary of all P2P methods, ranked from most profitable to least:
This is one of the most profitable mining methods. Runite ore is highly sought after, and most rune rocks are quickly depleted, forcing players to world-hop to find more. As a result, Runite sells for a decent price on the Grand Exchange. There are several Runite mining locations, but the less crowded spots often have higher requirements, such as Song of the Elves or a Fire Cape.
In a less crowded spot, players can mine about 65 runite ores per hour. This results in a profit of 698K GP. However, players can only get 8K mining XP per hour from mining the ores.
Players can obtain Basalt only in the Salt Mine of Weiss after completion of the Making Friends With My Arm quest. There is no bank nearby but Snowflake in the center of Weiss will note them for free.
Every hour, players can mine 700 basalts, worth 502K GP. It’s not a good training method since players can only get 3,500 mining XP.
Gems can be mined in Shilo Village Mine which also has a Bank Deposit box, allowing players to quickly bank. To make even more profit, players can use Karamja gloves 3 or 4, a Dragon or Crystal pickaxe, a charged amulet of glory, and a gem bag.
With 61+ mining, players can mine different numbers of uncut opal, uncut jade, uncut red topaz, uncut sapphire, uncut emerald, uncut ruby, and uncut diamond, worth about 450K GP per hour. Players can also get 61K mining XP per hour.
Mining iron ore at the three iron rocks in the Mining Guild is quite profitable, as they have a 50% reduced respawn timer and are very close to a bank. Additionally, the guild provides a +7 Mining boost, further increasing profits.
With access to the Mining Guild, players can mine 1,700 iron ores per hour, with 17 unidentified minerals and a few gems, worth about 430K GP.
Blast mining is a profitable activity with simple gameplay where players are rewarded with coal and several other ores. It is done in the Blast mine in the northern section of Lovakengj. Check our blast mine guide for a detailed strategy for this method.
Every hour, the player will be rewarded different numbers of runite, adamantite, mithril, gold ores, and coal, for a profit of 420K after the cost of Dynamite (231K GP) is deducted.
The Motherload mine is a popular mining training spot located in the Falador Dwarven mine. It provides a low-effort training method that can yield good profit and decent XP rates. It involves mining paydirt and cleaning it to receive random ores.
30 mining but 85+ mining is required for a decent profit
Every hour at the Motherload Mine, players with 85+ mining can mine different numbers of ores, worth about 320K GP.
Amethyst is the highest level ore a player can mine. Since it is used in the creation of high-level ranging ammunition, they are in demand and sell for a decent price on the grand exchange. They are usually mined in the Mining Guild and reward 240 mining XP.
92+ mining
Players can mine 90 Amethyst per hour and will get a few unidentified minerals as well, worth 320K GP.
Different salts like efh, te, and urt can be mined at the Salt Mine of Weiss after the completion of Making Friends with My Arm quest. Since the salts are stackable, there is no need for a bank or deposit box.
EPlayers can mine 3,500 Eft salt pe, resulting worth about 240K GP per hour.
Here is a summary of all F2P methods, ranked from most profitable to least:
The best place to mine Adamantite ore in F2P is in the mining Guild. It has two ore spawns within the F2P area of the Guild and three more just outside the Guild in the Dwarven mine. The quickest way to gather a full inventory is to hop worlds after you mine all ores in one world.
Players can mine 120 Adamantite bars per hour, resulting in 165K GP per hour.
The best location for mining Clay is at the mine southwest of Varrock since it is closest to a bank. Chronicle, which teleports players to the champion guild, should be used to return to the mine quickly.
800 clay and a few gems can be mined per hour, for a profit of 72.9K GP per hour after the cost of Teleport cards to charge the chronicle is deducted.
Coal is quite popular and can be mined at several locations, but the best location in F2P is in the Dwarven mine.
230 coal can be mined with a rune pickaxe every hour. This gives 63K GP per hour and 11,500 mining XP.
In F2P, the Crafting Guild is the best place to mine gold ores because It has 7 gold rocks. Players can also mine at the Dwarven mine since it is close to a bank, but it has only 2 Gold rocks. Gold rocks take 1 minute to respawn, so players can mine at most 120 gold ore per hour when mining at the Dwarven mine. However, they can hop worlds after depleting the gold rocks to save time, saving up to 50 seconds from waiting, increasing gold ores that can be mined up to 200 per hour.
Players that mine in the crafting guild can mine 210 gold ore per hour, resulting in a profit of 32K GP per hour. Players mining in the dwarven mine can mine 120 gold ore per hour, resulting in profits of 18K GP per hour.