Smithing allows players to craft metal items from ores and bars, with some items being more valuable than the materials used to create them. This makes Smithing a profitable skill when focusing on these high-value items. However, you should always check the current Grand Exchange prices before following any of the methods below, as they fluctuate regularly.
The list below summarizes of all P2P smithing money making methods, ranked from most profitable to the least.
Players can smith a Runite bars at the blast furnace with 4 coals and one runite bar. This is half the coal required in a regular furnace, maximizing your profit. To learn the best strategy for playing the Blast Furnace, check out Blast Furnace guide.
Players can smelt 2160 Runite bars per hour, for a profit of 1.86M GP per hour after the cost of furnace fees, runite ores, coal, and stamina potions are deducted.
Adamantite bars can be smelted at the blast furnace with 3 coals and 1 Adamantite bar, providing a good opportunity for players to make decent profits.
With moderate attention, players can smelt between 2,400 and 2,700 adamantite bars in an hour, resulting in a profit of 838K GP per hour after the cost of furnace fees, adamantite ore, coal, and stamina potions are deducted.
With 50 smithing, players can smith Mithril bars. However, it is recommended to get 60 smithing so you don’t have to pay an entrance fee to the Blast Furnace.
Players can smith between 3,300 and 3,600 mithril bars per hour. This results in a profit of 780K GP per hour after the cost of furnace fees, Mithril ore, coal and stamina potions are deducted.
Although smelting steel bar has a low requirement, level 60 is recommended so you don’t have to pay an entrance fee to the Blast Furnace. Low- to medium-level players commonly use steel bars, making it consistently sell for around 540 GP each.
With proper attention, you can produce 3,000 and 5,400 steel bars. This results in a profit of 495K GP per hour after the cost of furnace fees, Steel ores, coal, and stamina potions are deducted.
Iron bars are the lowest level bars that can be smelted on the blast furnace but it can still generate decent profits for players. It has a low requirement but atleast 60 smithing is recommended so you don’t have to pay the entrance fee into the furnace.
Players can smelt between 5,700 and 6,000 iron bars per hour, so the profit lies between 462K to 493K GP per hour. This is after the cost of furnace fees, iron ores, coal, and stamina potions are deducted.
Smithing steel dart tips is a profitable activity since 10 steel dart tips can be made from one bar which is more valuable. The best location for smithing is at Prifddinas. Alternatively, players can also use the Varrock west bank which has no requirements.
Every hour, players can smith 9500 steel dart tips, worth 800K from 950 steel bars, worth 517K. This results in a profit of 283K GP per hour.
One steel bar can be smelted into four cannonballs, which are more valuable. To do this method properly, a furnace near a bank is ideal. The Edgeville furnace offers the closest option with no requirements, while the Shilo Village furnace is technically closer but requires a 20 GP fee per use
Players can make 2400 cannonballs per hour, worth 470K GP from 600 steel bars, worth 327K GP. This results in a profit of 143K GP per hour.
In the giant foundry minigame, players forge giant swords for Kovac. This requires full attention, but the click rate is very low. To learn the best strategy for making Giant swords, check our giant foundry guide.
Players can make 16 giant swords per hour, for a profit of 189K GP per hour. This results in a profit of 168K per hour after the cost of Iron and steel warhammers are deducted.
The list below is a summary of all F2P smithing money making methods, ranked from most profitable to the least.
At 99 smithing, players can smith rune 2h swords, rune platelegs, or rune plateskirts. These items are profitable to make due to their use in high-level alchemy. This also requires very low-effort.
Players can make 900 Rune 2h sword, worth 33.8M per hour from 2,700 Runite bars, worth 33.5M. This results in a profit of 333K GP per hour.
Making Iron bars is quite profitable since there is always demand for them. A furnace close to a bank like in Edgeville is required for this method.
Players can make 980 iron bars per hour, resulting a profit of 104K GP per hour after the cost of iron ores is deducted.
Players with 43 magic can cast superheat item to smelt ore into bars from anywhere. Although it is more expensive due to the cost of nature runes, the spell is faster than using a furnace and there is no need to walk. This allows bars to be smelted faster, which makes up for the cost of nature runes.
Players can smelt 1150 Runite bars per hour, resulting in a profit of 88K GP per hour after the cost of Runite ores, coal, and nature runes are deducted.
Bronze items are commonly used in free to play, making them sell for decent prices on the grand exchange. The best furnace in F2P for making these Bronze bars is at Edgville.
Players can make 800 bronze bars, worth 99K GP from 800 copper and tin ore, worth 27K GP. This results in a profit of 72K GP per hour.