Buy OSRS Fire Cape Service

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Get your firecape service completed in no time and enjoy!
Pures (1-39 Defence)
Pure 61-63 Ranged
Zerks (40-69 Defence)
Zerker 61-63 Ranged
Mains (70+ Defence)

Main 61-63 Ranged
Ironman 61-63 Ranged
No Prayer (1-31)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Will my fire cape service be completed via remote control software?

No, we do not provide this service via remote control software such as Parsec, since fire capes are not monitored by Jagex. Each fire cape service is completed via VPN of the same country + city that you are from, we haven’t had any problems providing the service this way.

How fast will my fire cape service be completed?

After you have successfully completed your order, we will invite you to our Discord server, where we will post your fire cape service for our workers to see. Usually, a worker is able to start your fire cape service within a few hours. A fire cape typically takes around an hour to complete, depending on your account build and your ranged level

What gear setup do I need?

We have pictures of the gear setup listed below that are required to complete your fire cape, keep in mind that each worker has his own setup preferences and might want to change some things around. If your account is an ironman please consult your gear setup with your worker once they claim your ticket.

Do you require my bank pin in order to complete the service?

No, we do not require a bank pin for this service. If you gear your account for the firecape beforehand according to the pictures on this page, then we do not require access to a bank pin for the firecape service.

Preferred setup of OSRS fire cape service

Pure fire cape inventory setup

Please have the following items in the inventory:

Preferred gear setup for pures:

pure firecape setup

Zerker & Main inventory setup for firecape:

Please have the following items in the inventory:

Preferred gear setup for zerkers & mains

firecape setup for mains & zerkers

Why you should order an OSRS fire cape service

Obtaining the fire cape in OSRS is a very hard challenge for players who do not have experience with the Tzhaar Fight Caves. You have to defeat 63 waves of monsters, including “Jad”, where a single mistake can lead to an instant death. If you die in the Tzhaar Fight Caves, you have to redo all the waves starting from wave 1 again. This can be very frustrating, and hence people often look to buy an OSRS fire cape instead. We can do your fire cape and complete it within the timeframe of a few hours for a very cheap price. This way you don’t have to worry about putting in endless work hours to obtain your desired cape, you can let professional workers at LuckyCharmGold service your OSRS fire cape.

How our OSRS fire cape service works

Buying a fire cape from our website is a very easy process. Simply choose the fire cape based on the type of account build and your ranged level and add this fire cape service to your cart. After you have completed your order with any payment method of your choice, you will be asked to join our Discord, where you can open a ticket. After you have opened a ticket, you must mention the order number that was provided to you by email and on the checkout screen. We will find you a worker who can complete your fire cape as fast as possible. After a worker has claimed your ticket, you can send your account details to him by private message. Please make sure to remove two-factor authentication on your account and remove any unnecessary wealth. Our worker will keep you updated about the progress of your fire cape ticket on our Discord and will notify you when the fire cape has been completed.

The type of OSRS fire cape services we provide

Other than regular OSRS fire cape services for pures, zerkers, and mains, we also have an OSRS ironman fire cape service available. The prices for these fire capes are a little higher since ironman accounts have gear and supplies restrictions, making the fire capes harder to obtain. Recently, we also launched our 1-31 no-prayer fire cape service, where we can complete a fire cape on any account build with no overheads. We offer these capes for the cheapest prices on the market possible, making these capes very affordable.