OSRS 1-31 No-Prayer Firecape Service

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Get your firecape service completed in no time and enjoy!
No Prayer (1-31)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you use a VPN or remote control software when getting my no-prayer firecape?

No, the reason for this is that no-prayer firecapes are monitored by Jagex, and therefore there is no reason to. When using remote control software there is also a delay, and for no prayer firecapes we need to be tick-perfect, therefore there can be no delays when providing this service. We haven't had any bans or cape removals and have provided 100+ no-prayer firecapes.

Do i need to give my bankpin for this service?

No, a bank-pin is not required for this service. You can just leave your account with the gear & inventory setup that our caper will ask from you at the Fight Caves.

The order process of no-prayer firecape service

  1. Select your ranged level and add the no-prayer firecape service to your cart.
  2. Complete payment with any method of your choice
  3. Our live chat agent will invite you to our service Discord
  4. Create-a-ticket within our Discord and make sure to mention the order number that you received via email
  5. Please enter your account credentials within our secure Discord system.
  6. Our no-prayer firecape worker will claim your ticket when available, and start your no-prayer firecape immediately.
  7. Change your password after the service has been completed
  8. Enjoy your no-prayer firecape service

Gear & Item requirements for no-prayer firecape service

You will need around 7.5M OSRS GP for supplies, and you will need to provide purple sweets for the no-prayer firecape service. The amount of purple sweets you will need to provide depends on your Ranged level.

Our caper will discuss the gear required for your no-prayer cape. This is dependent on your stats and Ranged level. If you don't have OSRS GP available for the gear requirements, then in some cases the caper can provide the gear himself.