Training Hunter on an Ironman account is quite beneficial, as it allows players to gather valuable resources for leveling other skills like Herblore and farming. Additionally, it is a straightforward skill to train, as it does not require resources that might be challenging to obtain on an Ironman.
The Natural history quiz has no requirements and is short. It rewards 1,000 hunter experience after completion, taking the player from level 1 to level 9. You will also be awarded 28 kudos for doing this activity. Check our Varrock museum kudos guide to learn how to do this quickly.
Birdhouse Trapping is a passive Hunter method where players set up birdhouses on Fossil Island after filling them with seeds. When they check the set Birdhouse after 50 minutes, they will catch birds and earn Hunter XP. One Birdhouse run takes 90 seconds to check all 4 Birdhouses and reset them, making it a low-effort and efficient training technique. It also rewards the player with bird nests for Herblore XP and tree seeds for farming training. Check our Birdhouse trapping guide to learn how to do this.
This is the most efficient training method to 99 as it requires little effort for the XP it gives. If you are not in a rush to get to 99 Hunter, this is the best option. It takes 11,244 birdhouses from level 9 to 99 and doing 10 runs per day will take 281 days to get 99 hunter. Check our Bird trapping guide to find the best strategy for this method
RuneLite plugin: Use the time tracking reminder and turn on Birdhouses, and it will remind you to do your birdhouse runs when due.
Hunter Rumours is similar to slayer tasks or farming contracts. Guild hunters will assign players to investigate a rumour about a creature, and they must catch that creature until a rare piece of it is found to complete the rumour. After completing a hunter rumour and returning to the Guild hunter, players are rewarded hunter XP and a hunter’s loot sack, which can contain valuable items such as herbs, logs, meats, bird nests, and bones for prayer XP. Check our hunter rumour guide to find the best strategy for doing this activity.
RuneLite plugin: The Hunter Rumours plugin tracks the player’s current hunter rumour, as well as the saved rumours.
Equip a noose wand and a ring of pursuit, and inspect one of the burrows. Follow the trail and attack the bush it leads to catch the Weasel. Inspect a burrow again to start to track another weasel.
Players can get 13,000 XP per hour from this method.
Falconry is a hunter technique for catching the three different Kebbits at the Piscatoris falconry area. For a fee of 500 coins, players can rent a gyr falcon from the falcon expert, Mattias, and with the required hunter level, they can catch any Kebbit that spawns in the area.
At level 63 hunter, players can catch red Chinchompas. Catching red Chinchompas gives decent hunter XP rates and the red chins caught will come in handy when training ranged as they can hit multiple targets simultaneously, generating lots of ranged XP. Check our red Chinchompa guide to find the best strategy for method.
If you want to get to 99 hunter as soon as possible, continue 3-tick catching red Chinchompas, but if you are looking to get more useful resources, switch to Herbiboar at 80 hunter.
Red Salamanders can be caught at the location south of the entrance to the Ourania Cave. Ropes and a small fishing net are required to set one trap, and up to 5 traps can be set. Since a lot of running is required, you should use stamina potions and equip weight-reducing clothing. At 73 hunter, players can catch black salamanders in the Boneyard Hunter area in the Wilderness. Up to 6 traps can be set with ropes and small fishing nets.
At 80 hunter, Herbiboar becomes most rewarding method of training hunter on an ironman. It involves players tracking the Herbiboar across Fossil Island, and getting rewarded with herbs anytime they catch it. This method involves a lot of running, so stamina potions are recommended. Ensure to use the Herbiboar plugin as it will highlight where you need to go to find the Herbiboar.
Players can get around 115,000 to 130,000 hunter XP per hour from catching the Herbiboar.
Sunlight and moonlight Antelopes can be caught using a pitfall trap. Players will get hunters’ sunlight crossbow ammunition and Antelope meat from them respectively. The Antelope meat can be cooked after 50 Hunter rumours have been completed and serves as a high-healing food.
Players can get 135,000 XP per hour from catching Sunlight and Moonlight Antelopes.